Page:The Magic Carpet Magazine v04n01 (1934-01).djvu/130

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Magic Carpet Magazine

World's Finest

There is an eery fascination about tales of the supernatural, the unknown and the terrible, a fascination that grips the reader's imagination and sends shivers of apprehension up his spine. Weird Tales magazine specializes in outré masterpieces of this kind and prints the best weird fiction in the world today—tales of strange monsters; creepy mystery stories; ghost-tales; shuddery tales of eery horror; tales of devil-worship, witchcraft, vampires and werewolves; orientales of wild beauty; also weird-scientific tales of the spaces between the worlds; surgical tales; and stories of tremendous dooms that menace the earth. Among the authors who contribute to Weird Tales magazine are:

Seabury Quinn
Hugh B. Cave
Edmond Hamilton
Otis Adelbert Kline
Paul Ernst
Clark Ashton Smith
Harold Ward
Robert E. Howard
Bassett Morgan
Jack Williamson
Maurice Level


Weird Tales

The Unique Magazine

See your magazine dealer today!

afternoon. I heard a delighted voice

chirruping at me from across the foyer of the Hotel de l'Europe:

"Allo! Allo! Allo! Cheerheeo, my frien'! I ahm glad to see you again!"

Monsieur Jaccquard grasped my hand, beamed at me and rushed on, without giving me a chance to get a word in edgewise.

"Tonight I leave for Marseilles. An' I ahm all—how you say?—all set to tell my wife 'bout you. My wife not lak Américains; she say you are Shylockers. But w'en I tell her how you help zat poor countrywoman of mine, why, by Gods, she never will dare say it again!"

I gave Monsieur Jaccquard a sour, suspecting look. But the eyes that looked into mine were limpid and blue, absolutely guileless. I put a sudden, sharp clamp on my tongue. I knew now that as far as he was concerned my suspicions were unfounded. He had not been implicated in Mademoiselle Pauline's adroit "touch.". . .

After all, we had been lucky, Monsieur Jaccquard and I. The Mayor of Soerabaya was in jail!


By Hung Long Tom

River of Sorrow
Is a Yellow River
That shines like gold.

River of Sorrow
Is gold that flows
Like a Yellow River.

M. C.—8