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by me, viz., that my heart may always delight in virtue and in blessed ascetic penanees, O Lord of all' !"

"Brahman said. O Sesha, I am exceedingly gratified with this thy self-denial and love of peace ! But, at my command, let this act be done by thee for the good of my creatures ! Bear thou O Sesha, properly and well this Earth so unsteady with her mountains and forests, her seas and towns and retreats, so that she may be steady' l" |

"Sesha said, -'O divine Lord of all creatures, O grantor of boons, O lord of the Earth, lord of every created thing, lord of the universe, I will, even as thou sayest, hold the Earth steady. Therefore, O lord of all creatures, place her on my head' I"

"Brahman said,-'0 best of snakes, go underneath the Earth. She will herseli give thee a crevice to pass through. And, O Sesba, by holding the Earth, thou shalt certainly do what is prized by me very greatly."

Sauti continued. "Then the elder brother of the king of the snakes, entering a hole, passed ro the other side of the Earth, and bolding her, supported with his head that goddess with her belt of seas passing all round.

"Brahman said.-'O Sesha, O best of snakes, thou art the god Dharma, because alone, with thy huge body, thou supportest the Earth with everything on her, even as I myself, or Valavit (Indra), can' I"

Sauti continued, -"The snake, Sesha, the lord Ananta, of great prowess, lives underneath the Earth, alone supporting the world at the command of Brahman. And the illustrious Grandsire, the best of the immortals, then gave unto Ananta the bird of fair feathers, viz., the son of Vinata, for Ananta's help."

So ends the thirty-sixth section in the Astika Parva of the Adi Parva.


(Astika Parva continued)

"Sauti said, "That best of snakes, viz., Vasuki, hearing the curse of his mother, reflected how to render it abortive. He held a consultation with all his brothers, Airavata and others, intent upon doing what they deemed best for themselves.

"And Vasuki said, 'Oye sinless ones, the object of this curse is known to you! It behoveth us to strive to neutralise it ! Remedies certainly exist for all curses, but no remedy can avail those cursed by their mother! Heating that this curse bath been uttered in the presence