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Janamejaga asked,-Know ye all that befell my father? How did that fam us king, in time, meet with his death? Hearing from you the incidents of my father's life in detail, I shall ordain something, it it be for the benefit of the world 1 Otherwise, I shall do nothing.'"

"The minister replied, 'Hear, O monarch, what thou hast asked, viz., an account of thy illustrious father's life, and how also that king of kings left this world. Thy father was virtuous and high-rouled, and always protected his people. O hear how that high-souled one conducted himselt on earth. Like unto an impersonation of virtue and justice, the monarch, cognisant of virtue, virtuously protected the four orders, each engaged in the discharge of their specified duties. Of incomparable prowess, and blessed with fortune, he protected the goddess Earth. There was none who hated him and he himself hated none. Like unto Prajapati (Brahmana) he was equally disposed towards all creatures, O monarch, Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas and Sudras, all engaged contentedly in the practice of their respective duties, were impartially protected by that king. Widows and orphans, the maimed and the poor, he maintained. Of handsome features, he was unto all creatures like a second Shomz. Cherishing his subjects and keeping them contented, blessed with good fortune, truth-telling, of immense prowess, he was the disciple of Saradwat in the science of arms. And, O Jana mejaya, thy father was dear unto Govinda I Of great fame, he was loved by all men. And he was born in the womb of Uttara when the Kuru race was almost extinct. And, therefore, the mighty son of Abhimanyu came to be called Parikshit (born in an extinct line). WellVersed in the interpretation of treatises on the duties of kings, he was gifted with every virtue. With passions under complete control, intelligent, possessing a retentive memory, the practiser of all virtues, the conqueror of his six passions of powerful mind, surpassing all, and fully acquainted with the science of morality and political converse, thy facher bad ruled over these subjects for sixty years. And he then died, tourned by all his subjects. And, after him, O first of men, thou hast acquired this hereditary kingdom of the Kurus for the last thousand years. Thou wast installed while a child, and art thus protecting every creature !'"

"Janamejaya said, -'There hath not been born in our race a king who hath not sought the good of his subjects or been loved by them. Behold especially the conduct of my grandsires ever engaged in great achievements 1 How did my father, blessed with many virtues, meet with his death? Describe everything to me as it fell out. I am desirous of hearing it from you !

Sauti continued,"Thus directed by the monarch, those councillors,