Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Volume 1).pdf/145

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And the first of Veda-knowing ones, he divided the Vedas into four parts. And the Brahmana Rishi had knowledge of the supreme Brahma, knew the past by intuition, was holy, and cherished truth. Of sacred deeds and great fame, he begot Pandu and Dhritarashtra and Vidura in order to continue the line of Santanu."

"And the high-souled Rishi, with his disciples all conversant with the Vedas and their branches, entered the sacrificial pavilion of the royal sage, Janamejaya. And he saw that the king Janamejaya was seated in the sacrificial region like the god Indra, surrounded by numerous Sada syas, by kings of various countries whose coronal locks had under. gone the sacred bath, and by competent Ritwikas like unto Brahmana himself. And that foremost one of Bharata's race the royal sage Tanamejaya, beholding the Rishi come, advanced quickly with his followers and relatives in great Joy. And the king with the approval of his Sadasyas, gave the Rishi a golden seat as Indra did to Vrihaspati. And when the Rishi, capable of granting boons and adored by the celestial Risbis themselves, had been seated, the king of kings worshipped him according to the rites of the scriptures. And the king then offered him -his grandfather Krishna-who fully deserved them, water to wash his feet and mouth, and the Arghya, and kine. And accepting those offerings from the Pandava Janamejaya and ordering the kine also not to be slain, Vyasa became much gratified. And the king, after those adorations bowed to his great-grand-father, and sitting in joy asked him about his.welfare. And the illustrious Rishi also, casting his eyes upon him and asking him about his welfare, worshipped the Sadasyas, having been before worshipped by them all. And after all this, Janamejaya with all his Sadasyas, asked that first of Brahmanas, with joined hands, the following: - 'O Brah mana, thou hast seen with thy own eyes the acts of the Kurus and the Pandavas! I am desirous of hearing thee recite their history ! What was the cause of the disunion amongst them that were of such extraordinary deeds? Why also did that great battle, which caused the death of countless creatures ; occur between all my grand-fathers-their clear sense over-clouded by fate? O excellent of Brahmanas, tell me all this in full as everything had happened !"

Hearing those words of Janamejaya, Krishna Dwaipayana directed bis disciple Vaisa mpayana seated by his side, saying, "The discord that happened between the Kurus and the Pandavas of old, narrate all to the king even as thou hast heard from me !"

"Then that blessed amongst Brahmana, at the command of his preceptor recited the whole of that history unto the king, the Sadasyas, and all