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and took back from his son his own decrepitude. And giving him back his youth, though his own appetites were unsatiated, and installing him on the throne, he spoke unto Puru thus Thou art my true heir, thou art my true son by whom my race is to be continued 1 In the world shall my race be known by thy name !'"

Vaisa mpayana continued.--"Then that tiger among kings, having installed his son Puru on the throne, went away to the mount of Bhrigu for devoting himself to asceticism. And, having acquired great ascetic merit, after long years, he succumbed to the inevitable influence of Time. He left his buman body by observing the vow of fasting, and ascended to heaven with his wives."

Thus ends the seventy-fifth section in the Sambhava Parva of the Adi Parva.


(Sambhava Parva continued )

Janamejaya said.--"O thou of the wealth of asceticism, tell me how our ancestor Yayati, who is the tenth from Prajapati, obtained for a wife the unobtainable daughter of Sukra. I desire to hear of it iu detail. Tell me also, one after another, of those monarchs separately who were the founders of dynasties."

Vaisampayana said, "The monarch Yayati was in splendour like unto Indra himself. I will tell thee, in reply to thy question, O Janamejaya, how both Sukra and Vrisha parvan bestowed upon him, with due rites, their daughters, and how his union took place with Devayani in special."

"Between the celestial and the Asuras there happened, of yore, frequent encounters for the sovereignty of the three worlds with every. thing in them. The gods then, from desire of victory, installed the son of Angiras (Vrihaspati) as their priest to conduct their sacrifices : while their opponents installed the learned Usanas as their priest for the same purpose. And between those two Brahmanas there are always much boastful rivalry. Those Danavas assembled for encounter that were slain by the gods were all revived by the seer Sukra by the power of his knowledge. And then starting a gain, into life-these fought with the gods. The Asuras also slew on the field of battle many of the celestials. But the open-minded Vrihaspati could not revive them, because he knew not the science called Sanjivani (re-vivifcation) which Kavya endued with great energy knew so well. And the gods were, therefore, in great sorrow. And the gods, in great anxiety of heart