Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Volume 1).pdf/279

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among kings in that concourse of crowned heads. Proud as the lion broad-chested, bull-eyed, endued with great strength, and outshining all other monarchs in splendour, he looked like another Indra in that royal assemblage. The amiable daughter of Kuntibhoja, of faultless features, beholding Pandu-that best of men-in that assembly, beca me very much agitated. And advancing with modesty, all the while quivering with emotion, she placed the nuptial garland about Pandu's neck. The other monarchs, seeing Kunti choose Pandu for her lord, returned to their respective kingdoms on elephants, horses and cars, as they came. Then, o king, the bride's father caused the nuptial rites to be performed duly. The Kuru prince blessed with great good fortune and the daughter of Kuntibhoja, formed a couple like Maghavat and Paulomi (the king and queen of the celestials). And, O best of Kuru monarchs, king Kuntibhoja, after the nuptials were over, presented his son-in-law with much wealth and sent him back to bis capital. Then the Kuru prince Pandu, accompanied by a large force bearing various kinds of banners and pennons, and eulogised by Brahmans and great Rishis pronouncing benedictions, reached his capital. And after arriving at his own palace, he established his queen therein."

Thus ends the hundred and twelveth section in the Sambhava Parva of the Adi Parva.


(Sambhava Parva continued)

"Vaisampayana continued. -"Some time after, Bhishma the intelligent son of Santanu set his heart upon getting Pandu married to a second wife. Accompanied by an army composed of four kinds of force, and also by aged councillors and Brahmanas and great Rishis, he went to the capital of the king of Madra. And that bull of the Valhikas-the king of Madra-hearing that Bhishma had arrived, went out to receive him. And having received him with respect, he got him to enter bis palace. Arriving there, the king of Madra offered unto Bhishma a white carpet for a seat; water to wash his feet with, and usual oblation of various ingredients indicative of respect. And when he was seated at ease, the king asked him about the reason of his visit. Then Bhishma---the supporter of dignity of the Kurus-addressed the king of Madra and said, 'O oppressar of all foes, know that I have come for the hand of a maiden. It hath been heard by us that thou hast a sister named