Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Volume 1).pdf/293

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O bull of Bharata's race, having acquired after a long time great ascetic merit coupled with complete singleness, Pandu became even like a Brahmarshi (though he was a Kshatriya by birth),

"On a certain day of the new moon, the great Rishis of rigid vows assembled together, and desirous of beholding Brahman were on the point of starting on their expedition- Seeing them about to start. Pandu asked those ascetics, saying "Ye first of eloquent men, where shall we go ?" The Rishis answered, "There will be a great gathering to-day, in the abode of Brahman, of celestials, Rishis and Pitris. Desirous of beholding the Self-create we shall go there to-day !".

Vaisam payana continued.-"Hearing this, Pandu rose up suddenly, desirous of visiting heaven along with the great Rishis. Accompanied by his two wives, when he was on the point of following the Rishis in the northerly direction from the mountain of hundred peaks, those ascetics addressed him saying.—'In our northward march, while gradually ascending the king of mountains, we have seen on its delightful breast many regions inaccessible to ordinary mortals ; reteats also of the gods, Gandharvas and Apsaras, with palatial mansions by hundreds, clustering thick around and resounding with the sweet notes of celestial music : the gardens of Kuvera laid out on even and uneven grounds : banks of mighty rivers, and deep caverns. There are many regions also on those heights that are covered with perpetual snow and are utterly destitute of vegetable and animal existence. In some places the down-pour of rain is so heavy that they are prefectly inaccessible and incapable of being utilised for habitation. Not to speak of other animals, even winged creatures cannot cross them. The only thing that can go there is air, and the only beings, Siddhas and great Rishis. How shall these princesses ascend those heights of the king of mountains ? Unaccustomed to pain, shall they not droop in affliction? Therefore, come not with us, O bull of Bharata's race !

"Pandu replied, 'Ye fortunate ones, it is said that for the sonless there is no admittance into heaven. I am sopless! In affliction I speak unto you I We whose wealth is asceticism, I am afflicted because I have not been able to discharge the debt I owe to my ancestors! It is certain that with the dissolution of this my body my ancestors perish! Men are born on this Earth with four debts, viz., those due unto the (deceased) ancestors, the gods, the Rishis, and other men. In justice these must be discharged. The wise have declared that no regions of bliss exist for them that neglect to pay these debts in due time. The gods are paid (gratified) by sacrifices, the Rishis, by study, meditation, and asceticism, the (deceased) ancestors, by begetting children and offering the funeral cake, and, lastly other men, by leading a