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with hundred of fragrant lotuses. Beholding all these, Pandu felt the soft influence of desire, Roving like a celestial with a light heart admidst such scenery, Pandu was alone with his wife Madri in semitransparent attire. And bebolding the youthful Madri thus attired the king's desire flamed up like a forest fire. And ill able to suppress his desire thus kindled at the sight of his wife of eyes like lotus-petals, he was completely overpowered. The king then seized her against her will, but Madri trembling in fear resisted bim to the best of her might. Consumed by desire, he forgot everything about his misfortune. And, O thou of Kuru's tace unrestrained by the fear of (the Rishi's) curse and impelled by fate, the monarch, overpowered by passion, forcibly sought the embraces of Madri, as if he wished to put an end to his own life. His reason, thus beguiled by the great Destroyer himself by intoxicating his senses, was itself lost with his life. And the Kuru king Pandu, of virtuous soul, thus succumbed to the inevitable influence of Time, while united in intercourse with his wife.

"Then Madri, clasping the body of her senseless lord, began to weep aloud. And Kunti with her sons and the twins of Madri, hearing those cries of grief, came to the spot where the king lay in that state. Then, O king, Madri addressing Kunti in a piteous voice, said-Come hither alone. O Kunti, and let the children stay there.' Hearing these words, Kunti, bidding the children stay, ran with speed, exclaiming.--'Woe to me l' And beholding both Pandu and Madri lying prostrate on the ground she went in grief and affliction, saying. Of passions under complete control, this hero, O Madri, had all along been watched by me with care ! How did he then forgetting the Rishi's curse, approach thee with enkindled desire? O Madri, this foremost of men should have been protected by thee! Why didst, thou tempt him into solitude ? Always melancholy at the thought of the Rishi's curse, how came he to be merry with thee in solitude ? O princess of Valhika, more fortunate than myself, thou art really to be envied, for thou hast seen the face of our lord suffused with gladness and joy.

"Madri then replied, saying, --Revered sister, with tears in my eyes, I resisted the king. but he could not control himself, bent on, as it were making the Rishi's curse true!

"Kunti then said, 'I am the elder ot bis wedded wives; the chief religious merit must be mine. Therefore, O Madri, prevent me not from achieving that which must be achieved ! I must follow our lord to the region of the dead! Rise up, O Madri, and yield me his body. Rear thou these children ! 'Madri replied, saying 'I do clasp our lord yet, and have not allowed him to depart; therefore, I shall follow bim. My appetite hath not been appeased. Thou art my elder sister. O let