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had done before. And, O Bharata, Duryyodhana with his brothers thereupon embraced Karna in joy and then addressed him saying, 'Welcome O mighty-armed warrior! I have obtained thee by good fortune, O polite one! Live thou as thou pleasest, and command, myself and the kingdom of the Kuras. Karna replied. --'When thou hast said it, I regard it as already accomplished 1 I only long for thy friendship! And. O lord, my wish is even for a single combat with Arjuna !! Duryyodhana said, 'Do thou with me enjoy the good things of life! Be thou the benefactor of thy friend, and, Orepresser of enemies, place thou thy feet on the heads of all foes.'

Vaisampayana continued.-"Arjuna, after this deeming himself disgraced, said unto Karna stationed amidst the brothers like unto a cliff-"That path which the unwelcome intruder and the uninvited talker cometh to, shall be thine, O Karna, for thou shalt be slain by me !" Karna replied, 'This arena is meant for all, not for thee alone, O Phalguna ! They are kings who are superior in energy: and verily the Kshatriya regardeth might and might alone. What need of altercation which is the excercise of the weak 1 Bharata, speak then in arrows until with arrows I strike off thy head to-day before the preceptor himself!

Vaisampayana continued, -'Hastily embraced by his brothers, Partha then, that subduer of hostile cities, with the permission of Drona, advanced for the combat. On the other side, Karna, having been embraced by Duryyodhana with his brothers, taking up his bow and arrows, stood ready for the Gght. Then the firmament became enveloped in clouds emitting flashes of lightning, and the coloured bow of Indra appeared shedding its effulgent rays. And the clouds is seemed to laugh in consequence of rows of white cranes that were then on the wing. And seeing Indra thus viewing the arena from affection (for bis son), the sun too dispersed the clouds from over his own offspring. And Phalguna remained deep hid under cover of the clouds, while Karna remained visible, being surrounded by the rays of the Sun. And the son of Dhritarashtra stood by Karna, and Bharadwaja and Kripa and Bhishma remained with Partha. And the assembly was divided, as also the female spectators. And knowing the state of things, Kunti the daughter of Bhoja, swooned away. And by the help of female attendants, Vidura, versed in the lore of all duties, revived the insensible Kunti by sprinkling sandal paste and water on her person. On being restored to consciousness, Kunti, seeing her two sons clad in mail was seized with fear, but she could do nothing to protect them). And beholding both the warriors with bows strung in their hands, the son of Saradwat, viz. Kripa, knowing all duties and cognisant of the rules