Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Volume 1).pdf/340

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sovereignty of Anga, was from motherly affection, very pleased. And Daryyodhana, O monarch, having obtained Karna (in this way), banished his fears arising out of Arjuna's proficiency in arms. And the heroic Karna, accomplished in arms, began to gratify Duryyodhana by sweet speeches, while Yudhishthira was impressed with the belief that there was no warrior on Earth like unto Karna.

Thus ends the hundred and thirty-ninth section in the Sambhava Parva of the Adi Parva.


(Sambhava Parva continued)

Vaisampayana continued.--"Behold the Pandavas and the son of Dhritarashtra accomplished in arms, Drona thought the time had come when he could demand the preceptorial fee. And, o king, assembling his pupils one day together, the preceptor Diona asked of them the fee, saying.--"Seize Drupada, the king of Panchala in battle and bring him unto me. That shall be the most acceptable fee. Those warriors then answering.--"So be it,' speedly mounted up their chariots, and for bestowing upon their preceptor the fee he had demanded, marched out, accompanied by him. Those bulls among men, smitting the Panchalas on their way. laid seige to the capital of the great Drupada. And Duryyodhana and Karna and the mighty Yuyutsu, and Dusasana and Vikarna and Jalasandha and Sulochana, these and many other foremost of Kshatriya princes of great prowess, vied with one another in becoming the foremost in the attack. And the princes, riding in first class chariots and followed the cavalry, entered the hostile capital, and proceeded along the streets.

"Meanwhile, the king of Panchala, beholding that mighty force and hearing its loud clamour, came out of his palace, accompanied by his brothers. Though king Yajnasena was well-armed, the Kuru army assailed him with a shower of arrows, uttering their war-cry. Yajnasena, however, not easy to be subdued in battle, approaching the Kurus upon his white chariot, began to rain his fierce atrows around.

"Before the battle commenced, Arjuna, beholding the pride of prowess displayed by the princes, addressed his preceptor, that best of Brahmanas, Drona, and said, 'We shall exert ourselves after these have displayed their prowess. The king of Panchala can never be taken on the field of the battle by any of these! Having said this, the sinless son of Kunti surrounded by his brothers, waited outside the town at a