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children, O king of the Kurus, the kingdom !" Hearing this, Dhritarashtra with his children, made a show of grief, and along with his relatives, including Khatri (Vidura) and Bhishma the foremost of the Kurus, performed the last honours of the Pandavas."

Jana mejaga said, -- "O best of Brahmanas, I desire to hear in full this history of the burning of the house of lac and the escape of the Pandavas therefrom. That was a cruel act of theirs (the Kurus), acting under the counsels of the wicked (Kanika). Recite the history to me of all that happened! I am burning with curiosity to hear it!"

Vaisam payana said, "O chastiser of all foes, listen to me, O monarch, as I recite the (history of the) burning the house of lac and the escape of the Pandavas. The wicked Duryyodhana, beholding Bhimasena surpass (every body) in strength and Arjuna highly accomplished in arms became pensive and sad. Then Karna, the offspring of the Sun, and Sakuni, the son of Suvala, endeavoured by various means to compass the death of the Pandavas. The Pandavas too counteracted all those contrivances one after another, and in obedience to the counsels of Vidura, never spoke of them afterwards. Then the citizens, beholding the son of Pandu possessed of accomplishments, began, O Bharata, to speak of them in all places of public resort. And assembled in court.yards and other places of gathering, they talked of the eldest son of Pandu (Yudhishthira) as possessed of the qualifications for ruling the kingdom, And they said-Dhritarashtra, though possessed of the eye of knowledge, having been (born) blind, obtained not the kingdom before. How can be (therefore) become king now! Then Bhishma, the son of Santanu, of rigid vows and devoted to truth, having formerly relinquished the sovereignty would never accept it now. We shall, therefore, now instal (on the throne) with proper ceremonies the eldest of the Pandavas endued with youth, accomplished in battle, versed in the Vedas, and truthful and kind. Worshipping Bhishma, the son of Santanu and Dhiritarashtra conversant with the rules of morality, he will certainly maintain the former and the latter with his children in every kind of enjoyment.

"The wretched Duryyodhana, hearing these words of the prating partisans of Yudhishtira, became very much distressed. Deeply afflicted, the wicked prince could not put up with those speeches. Inflamed with jealousy, he went unto Dhritarashtra, and finding him alone he saluted him with reverence and distressed at the sight of) the partiality of the citizens for Yudhishthira, he addressed the monarch and said-O father, I have beard the parting citizens utter words of ill omen. Passing thee by, and Bhishma too, they desire the son of Pandu to be their king ! Bhishma will sanction this, for be will not rule the kingdom 1 It seems,