Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Volume 1).pdf/377

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at the time of the universal dissolution. And filled with rage, he quickly raised high in the air Rakshasa's body. blue as the clouds of heaven, and whirled at a hundred times. Then addressing the cannibal, Bhima said,

_'O Rakshasa, thy intelligence was given thee in vain, and in vain hast thou grown and thrived on unsanctified flesh. Thou deservest, therefore, an unholy death and I shall reduce thee to-day to nothing 1 I shall make this forest blessed to-day, like one without prickly plants. And. O Rakshasa, thou shalt no longer slay human beings for thy food!' Arjuna at this juncture, said,-'O Bhima, it thou thinkest it a hard task for thee to overcome this Rakshasa in combat, let me render thee help, eise, slay him thyself without loss of time! Or, O Vrikodara, let me alone slay the Rakshasa. Thou art tired, and hast almost finished the affair. Well dost thou deserve rest!'

Vaisampayana continued.--"Hearing these words of Arjuna, Bhima was fired with rage and dashing the Raksbasa on the ground with all his might slew him as if he were an animal. The Rakshasa, while dying. sent forth a terrible yell that filled the whole forest, and was deep as the sound of a wet drum. Then the mighty Bhima, holding the body with his bands, bent it double, and breaking it in the middle, greatly gratified his brothers. Beholding Hidim va slain, they became exceedingly glad and lost no time in offering their congratulations to Bhima, that chastiser of all foes. Then Arjuna worshipping the illustrious Bhima of terrible prowess, addressed him again and said, -'Reverend senior, I think there is a town not far off from this forest. Blest be thou, let us go hence soon, so that Duryodhana may not trace us.'

"Then all those mighty car-warriors, those tigers among men, saying. 'So be it,' proceeded along with their mother, followed by Hidimva, the Rakshasa woman."

Thus ends the hundred and fifty-sixth section in the Hidim va-badha Patva of the Adi Parva,


(Hidimva-Badha Parva continued)

Vaisampayana said.."Bhima, beholding Hidimva following them, addressed her, saying.--'Rakshasas revenge themselves on their enemies by adopting deceptions that are incapable of being penetrated. There fore, O Hidimva, go thou the way on which thy brother bath gone !'