Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Volume 1).pdf/384

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take to-day with my near ones ! It is well that I should die with all these, for I can live no longer I'" 71 Thus ends the hundred and fifty-ninth section in the Vaka-badha Parva of the Adi Parva.


(Vaka-badha Parva continued)

Vaisampayana said, -- "On hearing these words of the Brahmana, his wife said,-Thou shouldst not, O Brahmana, grieve like an ordinary man. Not is this the time for mourning. Thou hast learning: thou knowest that all men are sure to die; none should grieve for that which is inevitable. Wife, son, and daughter, all these are sought for one's own self. As thou art possessed of a good understanding, kill thou thy sorrows. I will myself go there. This, indeed, is the highest and the eternal duty of a woman, viz., that by sacrificing her life she should seek the good of her husband. Such an act done by me will make thee happy, and bring me fame in this world and eternal bliss hereafter. This, indeed, is the highest virtue that I tell thee, and thou mayest, by this. acquire both virtue and happiness. The object for which one desireth a wife hath already been achieved by thee through me. I have borne thee a daughter and a son and thus been freed from the debt I had owed thee, Thou art well able to support and cherish the children, but I however, can never support and cherish them like thee. Thou art my life, wealth, and lord, bereft of thee, how shall these children of tender years-how also shall I myself, exist ? Widowed and masterless. with two children depending on me, how shall I without thee, keep alive the pair, myself leading an honest life? If the daughter of thine is solicited (in marriage) by persons dishonourable and vain and unworthy of contracting an alliance with thee, how shall I be able to protect the girl ? Indeed, as birds seek with avidity for meat that bath been thrown away on the ground, so do men solicit a woman that hath lost her husband. O best of Brahmanas, solicited by wicked men, I may waver and may not be able to continue in the path that is desired by all honest men. How shall I be able to place this sole daughter of thy house--this innocent girl-in the way along which her ancestors have always walked ? How shall I then be able to impart unto this child every desirable accomplishment to make him virtuous as thyself, in that season of every want what I shall become masterless ?