Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Volume 1).pdf/401

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Let this son of king Drupada, they said. be called Dhrishtadyumna because of his excessive audacity and because of his being born like Dyumna with a natural mail and weapon. And they also said.-Because this daughter is so dark in complexion, she should be called Krishna (the dark) L

"The Brahmana continued.-'Thus were born those twins of the great sacrifice of Drupada. And the great Drona, bringing the Panchala prince into his own abode, taught him all weapons in requital of half the kingdom he had formerly taken from Drupada. The high-souled son of Bharadwaja, regarding destiny to be inevitable, did what would perpetuate his own great deeds."

Thus ends the hundred and sixty-ninth section in the Chaitra-ratha Parva of the Adi Parva.


(Chaitra-ratha Parva continued)

Vaisampayana said.-"Hearing these words of the Brahmana, the sons of Kunti seemed to be, as it were pierced with darts. Indeed, all those mighty heroes lost their peace of mind. Then the truthful Kunti, beholding all her sons listless and inattentive addressed Yudhishthira and said, We have now lived many nights in the abode of this Brahmana. We have passed our time pleasantly in this town, living on the alms obtained from many honest and illustrious persons. O oppressor of foes, as we have now seen often and often ail the agreeable woods and gardens that are in this part of the country, seeing them again would no longer give any pleasure. O heroic scion of Kuru's race, alms also are not now obtainable here as easily as before. If thou wishest it would be well for us now to go to Panchala ; we have not seen that country, it will, no doubt, o hero, prove delightful to us. O crusher of foes, it hath been heard by us that alms are obtainable in the country of the Panchala, and that Yajnasena, the king thereof, is devoted to Brahmanas. I am of opinion that it is not well to live long in one place. Therefore, O son, if thou likest, it is well for us to go there I

Heating these words, Yudhishthira said, -It is our duty to obey thy command, which, besides, must be for our good. I do not, however, know whether my younger brothers are willing to go.'"

Thus ends the hundred and seventieth section in the Chaitra-ratha Parva of the Adi Parva.
