Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Volume 1).pdf/452

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(Vaivahika Parva continued)

Vaisampayana continued, "The messenger said, -"King Drupada hath, in view of his daughter's nuptials, prepared a good feast for the bride.groom's party. Come ye thither after finishing your daily rites. Krishna's wedding will take place there. Delay ye not. These cars adorned with golden lotuses and drawn by excellent horses are worthy of kings. Riding on them, come ye into the abode of the king of the Panchalas.'

Vaisampayana continued, -"Then those bulls among the Kurus, dismissing the priest and causing Kunti and Krishna to ride together on one of those cars, themselves ascended those splendid vehicles and proceeded towards Drupada's palace. Meanwhile, O Bharata, hearing from his priest the words that Yudhishthira had said, king Drupada, in order to ascertain the order to which those beroes belonged, kept ready a large collection of articles (required by the ordinance for the wedding of each of the four order). And he kept ready fruits, sanctified garlands, and coats of mail, and shields, and carpets, and kine, and seeds, and various other articles and implements of agriculture. And the king also collected, O monarch, every article appertaining to other arts, and various implements and apparatus of every kind of sport. And he also collected excellent coats of mail and shining shields, and swords and scimitars, of fine temper, and beautiful chariots and horses, and firstclass bows and well-adorned arrows, and various kinds of missiles ornamented with gold. And be also kept ready darts and rockets and battle-axes and various utensils of war. And there were in that collection beds and carpets and various fine things, and cloths of various sorts. When the party went to Drupada's abode. Kunti taking with her the virtuous Krishna entered the inner appartments of the king. The ladies of the king's household with joyous hearts worshipped the queen of the Kurus. Beholding. O monarch, those foremost of men, each possessing the sportive gait of the lion, with deer-skins for their upper garments, eyes like unto those of mighty bulls, broad-shoulders, and long hanging arms like unto the bodies of mighty snakes, the king. and the king's ministers, and the king's son, and the king's friends and attendants, all became exceedingly glad. Those heroes sat on excellent seats, furnished with foot-stools without any awkwardness and hesitation. And those foremost of men sat with perfect fearlessness on those