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his brother softly and said, 'It Arjuna had not disguised himself as a Brahmana, he could never have succeeded in obtaining Draupadi. It was for this disguise. O king, that no one could recognise him as Dhananjaya, Fate, I ween, is ever supreme. Exertion is fruitless: fie on our exertions. O brother! The Pandavas are still alive! Speaking unto one another thus and blaming Purochana ( for his carelessness ). they then entered the city of Hastinapura, with cheerless and sorrowful bearts. Beholding the mighty sons of Pritha, escaped from the burning house of lac and allied with Drupada, and thinking of Dhrishtadyumna and Sikhandin and the other sons of Drupada all accomplished in fight, they were struck with fear and overcome with despair.

"Then Vidura, having learnt that Draupadi had been won by the Pandavas and that the sons of Dhritarashtra had come back (to Hastinapura) in shame, their pride bumiliated, became filled with joy. And, O king, approaching Dhritarashtra, Kshatri said. "The Kurus are prospering by good luck!' Hearing those words of Vidura, the son of Vichitraviryya, wondering, said in great glee.-'What good luck, O Vidura ? What good luck?" From ignorance, the blind monarch understood that his eldest son Duryyodhana had been chosen by Drupada's daughter as her lord. And the king immediately ordered various ornaments to be made for Draupadi. And he commanded that both Draupadi and his son Duryyodhana should be brought with pomp to Hastinapura. It was then that Vidura told the monarch that Draupadi had chosen the Pandavas for her lords, and that those heroes were all alive and at peace, and that they had been received with great respect by king Drupada. And he also informed Dhritarashtra that the Pandavas bad been united with the many relatives and friends of Drupada, each owning large armies, and with many others who bad come to that Self-choice.

"Hearing these words of Vidura, Dhritarashtra said, 'Those children are to me, O Kshatri, as dear as they were to Pandu. Nay. more. O listen to me why my affection for them now is even greater ! The heroic sons of Pandu are well and at ease. They have obtained many friends. Their relatives, and others whom they have gained as allies, are all endued with great strength, Who, O Kshatri, amongst monarchs in prosperity or adversity would not like to have Drupada with his relatives as an ally?

Vaisampayana continued, "Having heard these words of the monarch, Vidura said, -'O king. let thy understanding remain so with out change for a hundred years 1' Having said this Vidura returned to his own abode. Then. O monarch, there came unto Dhritarashtra, Duryyodhana and the son of Radha, Karna. Addressing the monarch,