Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Volume 1).pdf/471

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those foremost of men be received with affection by thee. And let them then be installed on their paternal throne, agreeably to the wishes of the people of the realm. This, O monarch of Bharata's race, is what I think should be thy behaviour towards the Pandavas who are to thee even as thy own sons !'"

Vaisampayana continued,- "After Drona had ceased, Karna spake again,-"Both Bhima and Drona bave been pampered with wealth that is thine and favours conferred by thee! They are also always regarded by thee as thy trusted friends! What can therefore be more amusing than that they both should give thee advice which is not for thy good ? How can the wise approve that advice which is pronounced good by a person speaking with wicked intent but taking care to conceal the wickedness of his heart ? Indeed, in a season of distress, friends can neither beneft nor injure. Every one's happiness or the reverse dependech on destiny. He that is wise and he that is foolish, he that is young (in years) and he that is old, he that hath allies and he that hath none all become, it is seen everywhere, happy or unhappy at times. It hath been heard by us that there was, of old. a king by name Amvuvicha. Having his capital at Rajagriha, he was the king of all the Magadha chiefs. He never attended to his affairs. All his exertion consisted in inhaling the air. All his affairs were in the hands of his minister. And his minister, named Mahakarni, became the supreme authority in the state. Regarding himself all powerful, he began to disregard the king. And the wretch himself appropriated everything belonging unto the king. his queens and treasures and sovereignty. But the possession of all these, instead of satisfying his avarice, only served to inflame him the more. Having appropriated everything belonging to the king, he even coveted the throne. But it hath been heard by us that with all his best endeavours he succeeded not in acquir. ing the kingdom of the monarch, bis master, even though the latter was inattentive to business and content with only breathing the air. What else can be said, O king. than that monarch's sovereignty was dependent on destiny? If, therefore, O king, this kingdom be established in thee by destiny, it will certainly continue in thee, even if the whole world were to become thy enemy 1 If, bowever, destiny hath ordained otherwise, howsoever mayest thou strive, it will not last in thee 1 O learned one, remembering all this, judge of the honesty or otherwise of thy advisers! Ascertain also who amongst them are wicked and who have spoken wisely and well !!

Vaisampayana continued 'Hearing these words of Karna, Drona replied. As thou art wicked it is evident thou sayest so in consequence of the wickedness of thy intent! It is for injuring the Pandavas that