Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Volume 1).pdf/494

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the sons that may be begotten upon her by thee, O Bharata, shall be the perpetuater of my race. That son is the dower for which I may give away my daughter. O son of Pandu, if thou choosest, thou canst take her upon this understanding.' Hearing these words of the king, Arjuna accepted them all, saying.---'So be it.' Taking Chitravahana's daughter (as his wife), the son of Kunti resided in that city for three years. When Chitrangada at last gave birth to a son, Arjuna embraced that handsome princess affectionately. And taking leave of the king (her father). he set out on his wanderings again.

Thus ends the two hundred and seventeenth section in the Arjuna. vanavasa Parva of the Adi Parva.


(Arjuna.vanavasa Parva continued )

Vaisampayana said, "Then that bull of Bharata's race went to the sacred waters on the banks of the southern ocean. all adorned with the ascetics residing there. And there lay scattered five such regions where also dwelt many ascetics. But those five waters themselves were shunned by all of them. Those sacred waters were called Agastya, and Saubhadra and Pauloma of great holiness, and Karandhama of great propitiousness yielding the fruits of a horse-sacrifice unto those that bathed there, and Bharadwaja, that great washer of sios. That foremost one among the Kurus, beholding those five sacred waters, and finding them uninhabited, and ascertaining also that they were shunned by the virtuous ascetics dwelling around, asked those pious men with joined hands, saying, 'Why O ascetics, are these five sacred waters shunned by utterers of Brahma ?' Hearing him, the ascetics replied, 'There dwell in these waters five large crocodiles which take away the ascetics that may happen to bathe in them). It is for this. O son of Kuru's race, that these waters are shunned !"

Vaisampayana continued,-"Hearing these words of the ascetics, that foremost of men endued with mighty arms, though dissuaded by them, went to behold those waters. Arrived at the excellent sacred water called Saubhadra after a great Rishi, the brave scorcher of all foes suddenly plunged into it to have a bath. As soon as that tiger anong men had plunged into the water, a great crocodile (that was in it) seized him by the leg. But the strong-armed Dhananjaya the son of Kunti, that foremost of all men endued with might,-seized that struggling ranger of the water and dragged it forcibly to the shore. But dragged by the renowned Arjuna to the land, that crocodile became (transformed