Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Volume 1).pdf/90

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Thou art Vavu Purandara. Hou best of the the saying, 'I bow to thee, thou Lord of all the deities ! I bow to thee, thou slayer of Vetral I bow to thee, thou slayer of Namuchi! O thou of a thousand eyes, consort of Sachi 1 by thy showers, be thou the pro. tector of the snakes scorched by the Sun ! O tbou best of the deities, thou art our great protector 1 O Purandara, thou art able to grant rain in torrents! Thou art Vayu (the air), the clouds, fire, and the lightning of the skies I Thou art the propeller of the clouds, and hast been called the great cloud (i.e. that which will darken the universe at the end of Yuga)! Thou art the fierce and incomparable thunder, and the roaring clouds I Thou art the Creator of the worlds and their Destroyer ! Thou art unconquered! Thou art the light of all creatures, Aditya, Vibhavase, and the wonderful elements! Thou art the ruler of all the deities ! Thou art Vishnu I Thou hast a thousand eyes! Thou art a god, and the final resource! Thou art, О deity, all amrita, and the most adored Soma! Thou art the moment, the lunar day, the bala (minute), thou art the kshana (4 minutes). Thou art the lighted fortnight, and also the dark fortnight. Thou art kala, thou kashtha, and thou Iruti. Thou art the year, the seasons, the months, the nights, and the days! Thou art the fair Earth with ber mountains and forests! Thou art also the firmament resplendent with the Suu! Thou art the great Ocean with heaving billows and abounding with whales, swallowers of whales, and makaras, and various fishes ! Thou art of great renown, always adored by the wise and by the great Rishis with minds rapt in contemplation! Thou drinkest, for the good of all creatures, the Soma Juice in sacrifices and the clarified butter offered with sacred invocation ! Thou art always worshipped at sacrifices by Brahmanas moved by desire of fruit. O thou of incomparable mass of strength, thou art sung in the Vedas and Vedangas ! It is for that reason that learned Brahmanas bent upon performing sacrifices, study the Vedas with every care l'

And so ends the twenty-fifth section in the Astika Parva of the Adi Parva.

1 There are divisions of time.