Page:The Monk, A Romance - Lewis (1796, 1st ed., Volume 1).djvu/172

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to oblige me in a business which I have much at heart, makes me very anxious to find you still deserving my esteem."

"Lorenzo, you transport me! No greater pleasure can be given me, than an opportunity of serving the brother of Agnes."

"Convince me that I can accept your favours without dishonour, and there is no man in the world to whom I am more willing to be obliged."

"Probably you have already heard your sister mention the name of Alphonso d'Alvarada?"

"Never. Though I feel for Agnes an affection truly fraternal, circumstances have prevented us from being much together. While yet a child, she was consigned to the care of her aunt, who had married a German nobleman. At his castle she remained till two years since, when she returned to Spain, determined upon secluding herself from the world."

"Good God! Lorenzo, you knew of herintention,