Page:The Monk, A Romance - Lewis (1796, 1st ed., Volume 1).djvu/180

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the opportunity of mixing with the classes below him, and becoming an eye-witness of the sufferings of the people."

Forgive me, Lorenzo, if I seem tedious in my narration: the close connexion which now exists between us, makes me anxious that you should know every particular respecting me; and in my fear of omitting the least circumstance which may induce you to think favourably of your sister and myself, I may possibly relate many which you may think uninteresting.

I followed the duke's advice; I was soon convinced of its wisdom. I quitted Spain, calling myself by the assumed title of Don Alphonso d'Alvarada, and attended by a single domestic of approved fidelity. Paris was my first station. For some time I was enchanted with it, as indeed must be every man who is young, rich, and fond of pleasure. Yet, among all its gaieties, I felt that something was wanting to my heart: I grew sick of dissipation: I discovered that the people among whom I lived, and whoseexterior