Page:The Monk, A Romance - Lewis (1796, 1st ed., Volume 1).djvu/50

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"And where is the bridegroom?" said the imaginary friar.

Antonia seemed to look round the church with anxiety. Involuntarily the youth advanced a few steps from his concealment. She saw him; the blush of pleasure glowed upon her cheek; with a graceful motion of her hand she beckoned to him to advance. He disobeyed not the command; he slew towards her, and threw himself at her feet.

She retreated for a moment; then gazing upon him with unutterable delight, "Yes," she exclaimed, "my bridegroom! my destined bridegroom!"

She said, and hastened to throw herself into his arms; but before he had time to receive her, an unknown rushed between them: his form was gigantic; his complexion was swarthy, his eyes fierce and terrible; his mouth breathed out volumes of fire, and on his forehead was written in legible characters—"Pride! Lust! Inhumanity!"

Antonia shrieked. The monster claspedher