Page:The Monk, A Romance - Lewis (1796, 1st ed., Volume 1).djvu/64

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bore a long black rod, with which she at intervals traced a variety of singular figures upon the ground, round about which she danced in all the eccentric attitudes of folly and delirium. Suddenly she broke off her dance, whirled herself round thrice with rapidity, and after a moment's pause she sung the following ballad:


COME, cross my hand! My art surpasses
All that did ever mortal know:
Come, maidens, come! My magic glasses
Your future husband's form can show:

For 'tis to me the power is given
Unclosed the book of fate to see;
To read the fixed resolves of heaven,
And dive into futurity.

I guide the pale moon's silver waggon;
The winds in magic bonds I hold;
I charm to sleep the crimson dragon,
Who loves to watch o'er buried gold.

Fenced round with spells, unhurt I venture
Their sabbath strange where witches keep;
Fearless the sorcerer's circle enter,
And woundless tread on snakes asleep.
