Page:The Most Lamentable Romaine Tragedie of Titus Andronicus.pdf/20

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of Titus Andronicus

Secure of thunders cracke orlightning flaẝh, Aduaunc’d aboue pale enuies threatning reach, As when the golden ẝunne ẝalutes the morne, And hauing gilt the Ocean with his beames, Gallops the Zodiacke in his gliẝtering Coach, And ouer-looks die highet piering hills. So Tamora. Vpon her wit doth earthly honour wait, And vertue ftoops and trembles at herfrowne, Then Aron arme thy hart,and fit thy thoughts, Tomountaloft with thy Empcriall Miftris, v And mount herpitcli,who m thou in triumph long Haftprifonerheldjfettred in amourouschames, Andfafter bound to Arons charming eies, Than is Prometheus tide to fituca/us. Away with flatiifh weedcs and feruile thoughts, I will be bright and ftiine in pearleand golde, to wait vpen this new made Emperefte* to wait Paid l?to wanton wiiht lisQueene, ThisGoddefte,this Semerimis,this Nymph, This Syren that will charme Romes S aturnine, And fee his lhipwracke,and his Common-weales, Hollo,what ftorme is this? Enter Chiron and ‘Demetrius bx&uing* (<^gc, Demetrius. Chiron thy yeares wants wit,thy wits want* And manners to intrude where I am graced, And may for ought thou knoweft affefted bee. Chiron. Demetrius,thoudoftouerweeneinall, And fo in this,to beare me downe with braucs, Tit not the difference of a yeare or two Makes me leffe gratious,or thee more fortunate: lam as able and asfit as thou, Tofcru e,and to deferue my Miftris grace, And that myfword vpon thee fliallapproue, And

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