Page:The Muse in Arms, Osborn (ed), 1917.djvu/29

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IN the first place, I must heartily thank the authors who have personally given me permission to include published or unpublished poems in this Anthology. In many cases unpublished pieces offered for inclusion have proved unsuitable to its purpose. My gratitude to those who offered them is all the greater, because accompanied by a feeling of regret that every such selection is necessarily limited in size and scope.

Where communication with a living writer has been difficult or impracticable, relations or friends at home have kindly taken the responsibility of granting me permission to include examples of his work. I have to thank Lady Jenkins for manuscript poems by her son, Lieutenant A. L. Jenkins; Mrs. Rose-Troup for a selection from the unpublished verse of her son, Captain J. M. Rose-Troup, who is a prisoner of war in Germany; Miss Edith Harvey for permission to quote any poems I liked from "A Gloucestershire Lad," by her cousin, Lieutenant F. W . Harvey, who is also in the enemy's hands; and Miss Marion Scott, as his literary representative, for the poems by Private Ivor Gurney.

I am greatly indebted to the representatives of soldier-poets who have fallen in action or died of wounds. I have to thank
