Page:The New Europe, volume 1.pdf/93

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courage, religious and political tolerance, democratic instincts, and moderation — these are its main characteristics. The greater part of the population has not yet emerged from the patriarchal system of a semi-pastoral age, and its life is simply that of the primitive household. The oppression of centuries has not killed, but rather strengthened, their spiritual power to wrestle for independence and the national ideal — their political and economic unification. This ideal, like a religious faith, has upheld the Southern Slav people in the time of weary trials.

The history of Serbia's struggle for her liberty and the Southern Slav idea has aroused the shuddering amazement and admiration of the whole world. Small in territory, but great in spirit, Serbia, inspired by a noble patriotism, has shown the world an example of epic virtue and valour, and in no less degree a capacity for endurance in adversity.

The Serbian people believe religiously in the justice and final triumph of the Southern Slav ideal, and, while fighting for it, they have given examples of lofty heroism and martyrdom. In their national epics, which incarnate their patriarchal life, the colour of the East, and the plastic power of Hellenic art, those martyrs and heroes live again before our eyes. A great future is the rightful heritage of such a nation. Liberated Serbia must become the focus and centre of the whole Southern Slav race. Any dismemberment or cession of Southern Slav territory would not only lack all ethnographic justification, and constitute a blow to the legitimate hopes of the race; not only would it be out of keeping with the noble purpose of the war, but it would constitute a flaw in the defence of Europe against the Teutonic "Drang nach Süden." But if the future is to be devoted to correcting violations of the principle of nationality, considerable sacrifices will be needed. Italy has painfully accomplished her unity, and is now rounding off her achievement by the acquisition of the terre irredente in Austria. Roumania, too, has come forward courageously for the unification of her race.

Truth has only one standard and the last word for the creation — without any curtailment — of the Southern Slav Kingdom with its natural ethnographical and economic boundaries, will rest with political wisdom and superior justice. Then the Slav world will be able to unfold its rich