Page:The New Forest - its history and its scenery.djvu/351

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  • Abbacies, held by William II., at the time of his death, 104 (foot note).
  • Abbey, Beaulieu, see Beaulieu.
  • Abbey Walls, the, or St. Leonard's Grange, 69.
  • Acquitaine, Eleanor of, buried at Beaulieu Abbey, 67.
  • Adages, in the Forest, 180; see also Proverbs.
  • Adder's-tongue Fern, 256.
  • Alarnus de Insulis, on the death of William II., 102.
  • Alexander I., Pope, bull from, 71 (foot-note.)
  • Amberwood Corner, barrows near, 208.
  • Ambrosius Anrelianus, defeated by Cerdic, 118; his name preserved in the word Amesbury, 119; in Ambrose Hole and Ampress Farm, 198.
  • Ancestry, our, 2.
  • Anderwood Enclosure, Roman and Romano-British potteries at, 215.
  • America, Old-English character of its provincialisms, 172.
  • Anselm, foretold by the Abbot of Cluny of the death of William II., 101.
  • Anses Wood, mound near, 209, 210.
  • "Apostles, the Twelve," 83.
  • Assart lands, granted by James I., 43.
  • Ash, Mark-, Wood, 17.
  • Ashley Rails, Roman and Romano-British potteries at, 221.
  • Attachment, Court of, 87.
  • Augustine, St., injunctions to his canons, 69.
  • Aurelianus, Ambrosius, see Ambrosius.
  • Avon, the, at Castle Hill, 118; at Ibbesley, 120; at Winkton, 128; eel peculiar to, 125, 126.
  • Avon, the Valley of the, 116; Flora of, 253.
  • Avon Tyrrel, 126.

  • Babington, Churchill, synopsis of the birds of Charnwood Forest by, 275.
  • Baddesley, Preceptory of the Knights Templar formerly at, 156.
  • Balm, Bastard (Melittis Melyssophyllum), in the Forest, 256.
  • Bandits, troop of, at Lymington, 169.
  • Bargery Farm, 71.
  • Barn, or spicarium, of Beaulieu Abbey, 69, 70.
  • Barney Barns Hill, 197 (foot-note), 210.
  • Barrows, named after fairies, 177, 197; opened by Warner, 198; in the east part of the Forest, 197 (foot-note), 211; on Sway Common, 198; on Bratley Plain, 199-205; near Ocknell Pond, 205, 206; near Darrat's Lane, 206 (foot-note); on the West Fritham Plain, 207; near Amberwood, 208; on Butt's Plain, 209; on Langley Heath, 211.
  • Barton Cliffs, the, 147; Middle-Eocene beds of the, 4; atmospheric effects seen from the, 15, 16; geology of, 421,422.
  • Beacon, Burley, 82.
  • Beaulieu Abbey, its foundation and endowments, 62; its dedication, 63; the Countess of Warwick and Perkin Warbeck come to its sanctuary, 64; its dissolution, 65; beauty of its situation, 65; the abbot's house, cloisters, and chapter-house, 66; church, 67; refectory, 67, 68; the pulpit of the refectory, 68; barn of, 69; granges of, 69-71.
  • Beauty, exists in the beholder's mind, 18, 19; God's love of, 127, 128; the chief end and aim of Nature, 5.
  • Becton Bunny, 149; house burnt down, 170; geology of, 240.
  • Beeches, measurements of, in the Forest, 16 (foot-note).