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HODGE. 122 HODGSON. HODGE, Kuan Lenox (1790-1873). An AMiericaii physician, born in I'hiladelpliia, tlio liiotliiT of (.'liarli'S ll(u|i;c. lit' jiradiiatcd at I'liiicc'ton in ISIl, sliiilii-d niiclifini', and liogan to inactice in 1820. Uurinj,' llie cholera opidoniie of 18;t8 he successfully enii)loyed a syslcni of licatinent hirgely ba.scd on observations made iluring n two years' residence in India. In 1835 lie was appointed professor in the Universily of lVnn^ylvania, and retained his connection there until "i8i;;i. HODGES, .John Sebastian Bach (1830 — ). An .iiiiTiian clertrynian of the Proti'stant Kpisco- pal Church, born in liristol, Kn;;liind I son of Dr. Kdward II. Ilod;;es, organist of Trinity Cluirch, New York City). He eanic to this country in 184.1, and was educated in Columbia College and at the tJeneral Theological S<Mninary of New York. After short periods of ministerial service in Newark. N. .1., and in the West, he l)ecivme rector of Saint Paul's Church, Ralliinore. in 1870. His musical com])ositions. which include chants, an- thems, and hymn tunes, arc widely known. His chief work is the liool; of Comiiioii Praise ( 1886), compiled as a companion to the Book of Common I'ritiiii'. HODGINS, hoi'inz. .ToUN George ( 1821 — ). A Canadian educator. He was born in Dublin, but was brought to Canada as a child and was educated there. He graduated at Victoria Col- lege, Coburg, and studied law afterwards at Toronto University. In 1844 he beennie con- nected with public education, and in 187C was made Deputy Minister for Ontario. His pub- lications incluile a number of school books. HODGKIN. hoj'kin, Thomas (1831 — ). An English banker and historian. He was born at Tottenham, studied at the Friends' Orove House School there and at I'niversity College. London. He studied law, but poor health forbade him to practice, so he busied himself at banking and liuilt up a large lirm, Hodgkin. Barnetl & Co., with ofliccs throughout England. In 1874 he pave himself up to literary work. His more im- portant writings are: the extremelv valuable Itahi and Her Inradcrs ( 1880 !)9) : "/.cHers of Cassiodoru.i (18S(i) ; The Di/nnsh/ of Theodosius ( 1889) : Life of Thcodnric ( 1891 )'; Life of George yox (1890); and Life of Charles the Great (1897). HODGKINSON, hoj'kln-son, Eaton (1789- 1801 ). .

Knglisli civil engineer, horn at .

der- ton, Cheshire. After a rather desultory schooling in which he displayed an aptitude for mathe- matics. lie undertook a course of scientific investi- gation that soon won him distinction. "His first important work was on strains and the strength of materials, on which subject he read a paper before the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester in 1822. In 1828 and in 1830.' re- spectively, he gave to the same society the re- sults of his researches on the forms of the cate- nary in suspension bridges, and on the strength and best forms of iron beam-.. In 1847 he was appointed professor of the mechanical principles of engineering at University College. London. From 1847 to 1840 he was one of the royal com- missioners engaged in inquirins into the applica- tion of iron in railroad structures. From 1848 to IS.iO he was president of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. He was a member of the Geological Society, of the Royal Irish Academy, and an honorary member of the Institute of Civil Engineers. He made investiga- tions as to the temperature of the earth in deep mines which were of especial inlcrot. His ex- )>erinieiits on the strength of nuiterials, and especially his determination of the "neutral line' in the section of fracture, with the resultant de- signs for beams, mark an important step in the science of modern engineering. He published llrscarchcs on the Hlrcnijlh and Other I'rupcrl ies of Cast Iron ( 1840). Consult the •Life of Eaton Hodgkiuson," in the Memoirs of the Manchrslrr Literary and I'hilosophieul /Society, third scries, No. ii. "(Manchester, 1802). HODG'SON, Hkian Hoit.hton (1800-94). An English Orientalist and zniilogist, born at Lower liceches, and educated at Ilaileybiuy. He entered the Knglish civil service at t'alcutta in 1818, and remained in it until 184.'!, when he was removed, apparently without cause, by Lord Ellcnborough. Hodgson then lived for a few months in Eu- ro|>e, but soon returned to India, and lived practically alone at Darjiling (184o-58), where he made important additions to the classified fauna of India. Besides his zoillogical s|>cci- niens he made valuable collections of Indian mainiscripts and of ethnological material. These collections he distributed generously among Euro- pean museums, giving especially to the British Museum. His written .studies were on the an- cient te.vts of India, especially the literature of Buddhism, on the nio(lern vernacular and the subject of "national edueatiiui,' on the ethnology of the hill tribes, on Iliiiilu law and practice, especially in Nepal, and on zoidogy. Among his works, besides scores of articles in reviews and governmental bulletins, may be mentioned: Lit- ernture and Religion of the liiiddhists of the yorlh (1841); Letters on National Education for the I'eojde of India (last ed. 1847) ; -Ifcoci- flines of India (1847) : IJssai/s on tlic Languaye, Literature, and lleligion of Xepal and Tibet (1874); and Miseell<incous Essai/s Relating to Indian Subirrts (1880). Consult Hunter. Life of lirian lloii'/hlon Hodgson (London, 1890). HODGSON, .ToiiN Evan (1831-0;-)). An Eng- lish piiinlcr. He was horu in London, and edu- cated ;it Kugby. He spent some years in Russia before entering the Koyal Academy in 18.5.5. His first picture. "The Notice of Ejectment," was ex- hibited in lS.-><i. He first painted domestic and historical pictures, but in 1808 a visit to North- ern Africa interested him in subjects of Moorish life, to which he chietlv confined himself from this time on. Among his earlier pictures are: "Arrest of a Poacher," "Canvassing for a Vote." ". Rehearsal of Music in ? Farmhouse," "Re- turn of Sir Francis Drake from Cadiz." "First Sight of the Armada," and "Queen Klizjtbeth at Purfieet." His later works include an "Arab Stor-Teller" (1809): "A Tunisian Birdseller" (1873) ; "An Eastern Question." "A Shipwrecked Sailor" (1881); 'Robert Bums at the Plough" (1887). In 1879 he was elected meml>er of the Royal Academy, and in 1882 he was appointed its librarian and professor of painting. He died June 19. 180.5, at Cohleskill, Buckinghamsliire. HODGSON, SuAnwoRTii Hollowat (1832—), .

FnL'lis)i metaphysician, born in Boston. Lin- 

colnshire, and educated at RuL'liy and Oxford. Tn 1880 he became president of the Aristotelian Soeiet}' for the systematic study of philosophy,