Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 10.djvu/38

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HERTWIG. 24 HEKTZBERG. theorie (with O. llertwig, 1879-83) ; Die Idiom- llitorir, IiisMc/i cincr Erkliirung dcs milllcrcn Acimblallis (with U. lluilwig, 1881) ; Die Akti- nieit iJcr i'halliiiyer l-'x/wdition (1882); Leber Jcriistniklur iind ilirc Hedeutunij fUr Zelllheiluny uiid liefruchluny (1888) ; Ueber die Konjugation der Infusorien (1889); Ueber Befruehlung und Conjugation (1892); Lehrbueh der Zoologie ( 18ii;i) ; Keriitheiliing, HichtungskijrpvrbUdung iind liefruehtung von Aetinospliwriuin Kichhorni (1898). HERTZ, herts, Heinbicu (1857-94). A Ger- man physicist, born at llamlmrj;. He studied at lirst to become a civil cnf;im'iT, but forsook this profession for the stmlv of matliomatics anil pure science, which lie pursued at Munich and Berlin, becoming llehuholtz's assistant at the latter university in 1880. In 1883 Hertz be- came privat-docent at Kiel, and two years later was called to the Polytechnic Institute at Karls- ruhe as professor of physics. His earlier experi- ments with electro-majinetic waves were per- formed duriti;.; his occupancy of this professor- ship, and made for Hertz such a reputation that he was in 1889 called to the important chair of physics at Bonn, previously occupied liy t'hiusius. To Hertz is due the realiz;ition and detection of the eleetroinafrnetic waves which Maxwell discovered in his theoretical consiih'ration of the nature of electricity. Hertz found that waves produced by the spark of an electrical machine could be received by a circular loop of wire, and was able to show the reflection, refraction, dif- fraction, and polarization of the waves. The first paper describiufr these wonderful discoveries was published in 1887 and the series continued for several years in JVirdermnnti'.t Annahn. In 1890 was publislied Vehcr die Itrzirhungrn ztri- sclirn Lirlil mid Kleclri'ci Hi t .o his (limimmelle M'erke were published in Leipzig the year after his death. English translations entitled Electric ll'nrcs. by D. E. .Tones, with a preface by Lord Kelvin (I89.'i). and Miscrllanenus Papers, by D. E. .Tones and O. A. Schott. with an introduction by Pliilipp I-enard (189(i). have been published. Consult "Biographical Sketch." in Po/nilar Sci- ence Monlhhi (New York. 1894). reprinted in Smithsonian lUport (Washington. 1894). HERTZ, Hesrik (1798-1870). A Danish dramatist, born in Copenhagen. He continued the literary impulse of the generation of Oehlenschliiger, Ileilberg. and. more immediate- ly. Baggcsen. . .Tew. early orplianed. after- wards Christianized and brought up in a literary atmosphere for the law. he abandoned this gradually for the drama {Itiichardt and His Famihi. 1827; /,oi-r and I'olicii : Cupid's Strokes of Genius. IS.IO). and for satiric criticism in Baggesen's vein (Letters of a Ghost : Poetic Epis- tles from Paradise. 1830). with cutting attacks on the early work of Hans . derscn. that created a deep impression. Continuing dramatic work. Hertz fell into the romantic movement in Svend Daring's House (18.38). and gained cosmopolitan recognition for King Renin's Daughtir (184.5). a charming bit of Provencal chivalric romance from the last "Court of Love." beautiful even in its translations (Englished by Theodore Mar- tini. . tragedy. Vinon (1848). is also note- worthy. He was also an editor and poet. His Dramas are collected in eighteen volumes (1854- 73), his Poems in four (1851-6-2). HERTZ, .M.RTIN .It LKs (1818-95). A Ger- man classical scliolar. He was born at Hamburg, and after studying at Berlin and Bonn, was ap- ])ointed professor ordinary of chi.ssical philology at (Jreifswaid in 1855. He was called to a similar chair at Breslau in 18(i2, and remained there until 1893, when he retired. He is cele- brated ehiclly for his text edition (2 vols., 1853; 2d ed. 188(i), and critical edition (2 vols., 1883- 85) of Aulus tiellius. Of his other works, the best known are his Karl l.achmann. Eine Bio- graphic (1851) ; his critical edition of Priscian's Institutiones Orammaticw in Keil's Granimatiei Latini, vols. ii. and iii. (1855-59) ; and his recen- sions of Livv (4 vols., 1857-03) and of Horace (1892). HERTZ, WiLiiELM (18351902). A German poet, born in Stuttgart. His university studies were prosecuted at Tiibingcn, and. during resi- dence there he was encouraged in Germanic re- .searches by Uhland, and wrote the nuijor portion of his Qcdiehte (1859). In 1858 he became a member of the literary group at Municli that numbered Lingg. Heysc. and tieihel, to whose Dichterbuch (I8(i2) lie was an original contrib- utor. From 18li9 until his death he was pro- lessor of German huiguage and literature in the Munich Technical Institute. His poetic talent was genuine, and of much refinement. His in- tention was directed notably to rendering into the modern language the Middle lligli German poets, of whose thought and spirit he was a skillful interpreter. In thus continuing the work of familiarizing the media'val literature, in- augurated by Simrock. he translated the Tristan (1877; 3d ed. 1901) and Wolfram von Esehen- bach's Par:iral (1S!I8). The epic Lancelot und Ginerra (I8(iO; done into English by Bruce, Lon- don. 1805). and the collection Gesnmmelte Dieh- tungen (1900) comprise his chief original verse. He wrote also a number of important volumes in literary research — Der llVni o?/( 1802) ; Deutsche Sage im Elsass (1872) : Aristoteles in den Alex- anderdichiungen des MittdnUers (1890); and others. HERTZBERO, herls'bfrK. Ew.i.D FRiEDRicir, Count (I725;i5). . Prussian statesman and historian, born at Lottin, near Neustettin. He occupii'd various positions under the Prussian Government durinc the reigns of Frederick the (Ireat and Frederick William II. He was one of the guiding spirits in the diplomacy of the Seven Years' War. and signed the treaty of Huberts- burg (February 15. 1703). He wrote a number of works of historical character, of which tho most famous is his Mfmoire raisonn/' (1756), based on dispatches l)etween the Courts of Vienna and Dresden, in which he justifies the Prussian invasion of Saxony. HERTZBERG. Gr.STAV Friedrich (1820—). . German historian and areha-ologist. He was born at Halle, and from 1843 to 1848 studied in the university there and at Leipzig. He became privat-docent of history at Halle in 1851. and taught also in a gymnasium until 1855. In 1858 he became editor of the Preussisches Wochenblntt. In 1860 he was appointed professor of history at Halle. .Among his writings are: Alkibiades. der Sfaatsmanti tind Fehlherr (1853) : Das Leben des Kiinigs Agesilaos 11. ton Sparta (1856): Ge- schiehte Griechenlands unter der Herrsehaft der Romer (1806-75); Geschichte der Perserkriege