Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 10.djvu/461

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HYMNOLOGY. 399 HYMNOLOGY. of three hundred and twenty-five standard hymns James King assigns twenty-two to Charles Vesley, a larger number than ascribed to any otiicr writer. At the present time not far from four hundred of his hynms are in common use. They include a wider range of subjects than those of any other writer of hymns. They chronicle the events of the time as well as the devotional cx|)eriences of the writer. Some were impromptu. Jlany have bits of personal history as a back- ground. Around some hymns have grown beau- tiful stories, the historical data for which is ex- ceedingly slight. The original hymn-books of the Wesleys were issued in thirteen volumes under the direction of George Osbom (London, 1868- 72). Thomas Olivers (1725-99), John Cenniek (1718-55), Edward Perronet (1721-92), and John Bakewell (born 1721), were of the Wesleyan party; while John Gambold. the Moravian (1711- 71), Joseph Hart (e.1712-08). Miss Anne Steele (1717-78), John Xewton (1725-1807), William Cowper (1731-1800), Robert Robinson (1735- (*0), John Fawcett (1740-1817), Augustus Mon- tagu Topladv (1740-78), Joseph Swain (1761- 96), William Williams (1717-91), and still others were more or less affected by the move- ment. The hymns of the movement are char- acterized by greater breadth of view than any previously issued. They include hymns of all kinds, but very few didactic hymns. Hymns of modern days seem to have been pro- duced by small groups of men representing some movement or belief. ( a ) TTie missionary move- ment produced James Montgomery (1771-1854) as its first hymn-writer and Reginald Heber (1783- 1820) as its ablest. Both produced many hv-mns other than missionary, (b) The Oxford move- ment was characterized by its hymnological pro- ductions, as well as its works of devotion and ar- gument. John Kelde ( 1792-1866) , with his C'ftn's- tian Year, Frederick William Faber (1814-1863), Edward Caswall (1814-78). .John Hcnrv Newman (1801-nO), author of "Lead, kindly light," and Isaac Williams (1802-65) were the singers of this group. Their work evinced not only a deep piety, but an unsurpas.sed scholarly finish, (c) The Simday-school movement has produced a great many hymns. Among the first publications was William Batchelder Bradbury's Golden Chain (New York, 1861). (d) The evangelistic movement of ilessrs. Jloody and Sankey brought into the Church a class of hymns entirely differ- ent from those produced by any other movement. Many were not of high order, in fact were a dis- grace to the Church, but they were so widely used tliat this article would be incomplete without a notice of them. Beginning with Select Uiimns, The Go.ipel Hymns in six numbers (1875-95) were followed by hymn-books whose name is legion and whose copies are millions. The most volu- minous writer of this movement has been 'Fanny Crosby' (^Irs. Frances .Jane [Crosby] Van Al- stine). (e) The Salvation Army has not added much to the hymnology of the Church; it has. however, changed the class of music used, and not for the better. In an article of this kind there must of neces- sity be inany omissions. Only a few of the great- est hymn-writers can be mentioned. Four women have written h^Tims any one of which is worth a lifetime to produce. Mrs. Sarah Flower Adams 080,5-48). "Nearer. Mv God, to Thee;" Miss Charlotte Elliot (1789-1871), "Just as I am •without one plea;" Miss Phcebe Cary (1824-71), "One sweetly solemn thought;" and Mrs. Phoebe H. Brown (1783-1861), "1 Love to Steal Awhile Away." The Unitarians have produced some re- markable iiymnwriters, such as John Pierpont (17851866), Henry Ware, Jr. (1794-1843), Wil- liam Bourne Oliver Peabody (1744-1847), William CuUen Bryant (1794-1874), the Longfellows (Henry Wadsworth, 1807-82, and Samuel, 1819- 92), Edmund Hamilton Sears ( 1810-76) , Theodore Parker (1810-60), Stephen Greenleaf Bulfinch (1809-70), .lames Thomas Fields (1817-81), and Thomas Wentworth Higginson (1823 — ). The Protestant Episcopal Church has to offer the names of Bishop George Washington Doane (1799-1859), Bishop Phillips Brooks (1835-93), Bishop George Burgess (1819-66), and the Rev. Dr. William Augustus Muhlenberg (1796-1879). The Presbyterian Church has the names of Sam- uel Occam (172.3-92), Samuel Davies (1723-61), Thomas Hastirgs (1784-1872), the Alexanders (.James Waddell. 1804-59, Joseph Addison, 1809- 00), Thomas Mackellar (1812— ), Mrs. Elizabeth Prentiss (1818-78), and Charles Seymour Robin- son (1829-99), the compiler of ^ongs for the Sanctuary and Laudes Domini. The Congre- gationalists have enrolled the names of Tim- othy Dwight (1752-1817), Joel Barlow (17.55- 1812), Nehemiah Adams (1806-78), Ray Palm- er (1808-87), author of the immortal "My faith looks up to Thee." Henry Martin Dexter (1821-90), Jeremiah Fames ELankin (1828—), and Horatio Richmond Palmer (1834 — ). The Baptists furnish a long list with the names of Oliver Holden (1705-1844), Adoniram .Judson (1788-1850). Mrs. Lydia Sigournev (1791-1865), Robert Lowrie (1826—), William Howard Doane (1831—), and Samuel Francis Smith (1808-95), author of "My country, 'tis of thee." The Methodists produced the first hj-mnologist of the American Church, David Creamer (born 1812). His Methodist Bymiiology ap- peared in New York in 1848. Other Methodist hvmn-writers are Miss Hannah Flasg Gould (1789-1865), Thomas Hewlings Stockton (1808- 68), William Hunter (1811-1877), Thomas Os- mund Summers (1812-82), Robert Arthur West (1809-66), President William Fairfield Warren (183.3—), and Professor Caleb Thomas Winches- ter ( 1847 — ) . Other American hymn-writers are .John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-92). Hosea Bal- lon (1771-1852), Edwin Hubbell Chapin (1814- 80), Charles Dexter CTeveland (1802-69), Miss Lucv Larcom (1826-93), Mrs. Emilv Miller (183,3—). The later writers of the Church of England include the names of Chri-stopher Words- worth (1807-85), Henry Alford ( 1810-71) . .John Samuel Bewiev Monsell (1811-75). William Josiah Irons ('1812-83). .rthur Penrhvn Stan- ley (1815-81). John Mason Neale (1818-06). Sir Henrv Williams Baker (1821-77), Edward Haves Pluniptre (1821-91). John Ellerton ( 1826-93) . William Walsham How (1823-97). and Samuel John Stone (1839 — ) , and these are only a few of many. Other English writers of note are Horatius Bonar ( 1808-90) . Frances Ridley Ha vergal (1836- 79). James Drummond Burns ( 1823-64 i. Thomas Toke Lynch (1818-71), Norman Macleod (1812- 72), Andrew Young (1807-89). John Burton (1803-77). Henry Francis Lyte (1793-1847), Sir Edward Dennv (1796-1889). Josiah Conder (1789-1855), Henrv Kirke White (1785-1806), Sir Robert Grant (1785-1838), Bernard Barton