Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 10.djvu/55

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HETEROSPORY. 41 means the egg or ovule structure which its name would imply, but the spore-case (sporangium) of a sexless plant. An important further fact in coimection with heterospory is that upon its development the sex- ual plants (gametophytes) become very much reduced in size, for the most part not escaping from within the spores which produce them. As a consequence, the male plant or generation in a flowering plant is contained entirely uitliiii thi' pollen-grain; and the female plant or generation is completely inclosed within the ovule. For fur- ther development of the subject in connection with the evolution of the seed, see Seed. HET'MAN. See Ataman. HETTINGER, het'ting-er, Franz (1819-90). A German Catholic theologian, born at Aschaf- fcnburg. and educated at Wiirzburg and at the German College in Kome. In 1847 he returned to Wiirzburg as assistant in the theological senunary, and nine years afterwards he became professor in the university. Hettinger wrote: Apologie des Christentums (8th ed. 1899-1900) ; Lehrbuch der Fundametitaltheoloijie (2d ed. 18S8) ; Timotheus. Briefe an eiiien juiiyen Theologen ; and many stiidies on Dante, of which the most important is Die gottUche Komodic iiach ihrem iresentlichen Jnhalt und Charaktcr dari/esteUt (2d ed. 1889). Consult the biography bv Kaufmann (Frankfurt, 1891). HETTNER, het'ner. Alfred (1859—). A German geographer, son of Hermann Hettner. He was born at Dresden, studied at Halle, Bonn, and Strassburg. and was professor of geography at I^ipzig. Tubingen, and Heidelberg. He made two expeditions to South America — to Colombia (1882) and to Peru and Bolivia (1888)— and in 189.5 became an editor of the (Icufird/iliifichc Zeitschrift, for which he wrote on anthropology and geographical methodology. He published : Ge- birgsbau und Oberfldchengestalt der Siichsi.ichen f!chu-<:i: (1887): Iiciseii in den colombianischen Anden (1888) ; Die Cordillere von Bogota (1892) ; and the text in Spamer's Atlas (1896, 2d ed. 1900). HETTNER, Hermann TuEODOR (1821-82). A German literary and art critic, born at Leisers- dorf (Silesia). He had traveled extensively and become known through various volumes on lit- erary and critical subjects before he was made professor of issthetics at the University of Jena (1851). Afterwards he became director of the cabinet of antiquities in Dresden (18.55), and professor of the history of art in the Acad- emy of Fine Arts. In 1868 he was appointed director of the Historical Museum. His most important work is Litteraturgeschichte des achtsehnten Jahrhunderts (1856-70: parts 1 and 2. .5th ed. 1894 ; part .3. 4th ed. 189.3-94) . He also wrote Die romantisrhe ^chule in ihrrm innern Zusammenhange mit Goethe tind f^chilJer (ISaO) ; Oriechische Reiseskizzen (1853) : Das kiinigliche Museum der Gipsahgiisse zu Dresden (4th ed. 1881 ) ; and Italienische Studien: Zur Oeschichte der Renfiissnnce (1879). HETTON. A town in the County of Durham. England, five and one-half miles northeast of Durham (Map: England. E 2). The mining of extensive coal deposits in the vicinity constitutes its principal industrv. Population, in 1891, 12,- 700, in 1901. 13,670." HEUMANN. HETZEL, a'tsel', Piebbe Jlles (1814-86). A French publisher and litterateur, born at Lhar- tres. From 1835 he was associated with Paulin, the French publisher, and afterwards took parf in politics as a Republican. After the Revolu- tion of 1848 he was chief of a department in the Ministry of Foreign Allairs and Secretarj'-Gen- eral of the Provisional Government. After the iijup d'etat he was exiled and lived in Brussels until the amnesty of 1859. During the time he published a series of French classics. Upon his return to France he published, among other vol- umes, the romances of .Jules Verne. He had founded, with M. J. ila.e<i,a.Magasind'education el de recrialion (1854), which was very success- ful, and his best claim to general interest, al- though his stories for children have always been popular. Under the pseudonm of P. .1. Stahl he wTote Les nouvelles et seules aventure» de lorn Pouce (1843); L'esprit des femmes, et les fcmmes d'esprit (1855) ; and other volumes. HETZER, hets'er, Lvdwig. See Hatzeb, Lud- WIG. HETTBERGER, hoi'berg-er, Richabd (1850 — • ) . An Austrian composer, born at Gratz. By profession a civil engineer, he did not take up music seriously until 187G. Two years later he became conductor of the Vienna Singakademie. He composed much instrumental music, and the operas Abenteuer einer yeujabrsnacht (1886); Manuel Venegas (18S9). which was rewritten as the grand opera Mirjam, oder das Maifest (1894) : and several ballets and operettas. HETJBNER, hoib'ner. Otto (1843—). A German phvsician, born at Miihltroff. son of the revolution is"t Otto Leonhard Heubner (1812-93). The son studied at Leipzig and Vienna, was long connected with the formgr university, and in 1894 went to Berlin as professor and manager of the clinic for children. Among his writings are: Die htetische Erkrankung der Hirnarterien (1874); Die experimentellc Diphtherie (1883. which received the prize olTered by the Empress .-ugusta) ; Elinische Studien iiber die Behand- hing der Diphtherie mit dem Behringschen Eeil- serum (1895), and Syphilis im Kindesalter (1896). HEtrCHERA, hut^-ra. See Alum Root. HEUGLIN, hoi'glin, Theodor von (1824-76). A German traveler and ornithologist, bom at Hirschlanden. Wiirttemberg. From 1850 to 1865 he spent most of his time in Africa. While at- tached to the Austrian consulate at Khartum, he visited Dongola and Abyssinia, and afterwards described his travels in a volume entitled Reisen in yordostafrika (1857). Next he visited the White Xile, the Sudan, and the west coast of the Red Sea. and in 1861 set out with a party for the interior of Africa to determine the fate of the explorer Eduard Vogel. After other expe- ditions he returned to Europe vriih rare coUec (ions, and published several valuable scientific works, including: Ornithologie yordostnfrikan ( 1869-75) , and Reise in das Gebiet der icesllichen Zufliisse des treissen Vi7 (1869). Journeys which he made in 1870 and 1871 to Spitzenberg and Xova Zembla he described in Reisen rtach dem Xordpolnrmerre (1872-74). HEUMANN. hoi'msin. CnRiSTOPH August (1681-1764). A German scholar. He was born at Allstedt, studied at .Tena. and in 1717 became