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municipality. 1900, 3048. WAKSAW WARSAW. Population, in 304 WARTBURG. 1890, 3120; in (corruption of guasa) ■ A large fish [Fromicrops yuttatus), common in the pulf THE WARSAW. of Mexico and soutlnvaid, which is valued both in market and by sportsmen. See Jewfish. WARSAW, University of. A university founded in 1816 and opened in 1818. After the Polish Revolution of 1830 the university was suppressed and its library transferred to Saint Petersiburg. In 1857 a medical school was opened at Warsaw, and in 1861 a higher institution of learning was established, which was organized into a university in 1869. The statutes of 1884 which took away all academic freedom from Russian universities are also in force at the University of Warsaw. In 1902 it consisted of the following faculties: (1) History-philolog>- ; (2) physics-mathematics; (3) law: (4) medi- cine. It had an attendance of 1122. The library is particularly rich in Polish literature and his- torv. It contains now over 4.50.000 volumes and 1375 manuscripts. The ethnographical museum also contains valuable manuscripts. In 1820 the astronomical observatory was erected. WARSHIP. A vessel armed and equipped for purposes of war. All fully efficient fighting ships are designed and built as such, the char- acteristics of a warship and a merchant vessel be- ing so different that it is impossible to trans- form the latter into an efficient fighting craft. Warships are divided into various classes, such as battleships, armored cruisers, protected cruis- ers, unprotected cruisers, and gunboats. Special types, such as torpedo vessels, monitors, rams, etc., may usually be classed under one of the previously given heads. Fleet auxiliaries such as supply ships, repair ships, colliers, etc., are not regarded as warships; if they carry arma- ment it is only a light one. Battleships are those which are" best armed and protected. They arc commonly divided into three or four classes according to their size or general efficiency. They are also of two types, seagoing and coast-defense — to the latter type such craft as monitors be- long. .rmored cruisers differ from battleships in having more speed but less armor and arma- ment. Protected cruisers have a curved armored deck (called the protective deck) like a turtle- back protecting the boilers, engines, and other vital parts; it is about the height of the water- line amidshi]), but curves down at the sides so that its edge meets the side of the ship several feet below water. Unprotected cruisers have no such deck. Gunboats are small cruisers, usually without armor or protective deck. As to size, there is no exact point of division, but vessels of less than 1000 tons are nearly always called gunboats, while vessels of 2000 tons or more are always called cruisers. Vessels between 1000 and 2000 tons are sometimes called cruisers and sometimes gunboat.s — usually the former. See Navies; Ship, Ar.mored; Crciser; Frigate; Torpedo Boat; Ram, ^Iablne; Aary, under United States ; etc. WART {AS. uearte, OUG. u-arza, Ger. Warze, wart: perhaps connected with AS. tc^ane, Lat. verruca, wart, Skt. vrih, to grow, or with OChurch Slav, vredti, eruption, Goth, icaurts, OHG. Kurz, Ger. Vurz, AS. uyrt, Kng. wort, weed, and ultimately with Eng. root). An ex- crescence of the skin due to hypertrophy of tiie papillte, varying in shape, size, and position. Warts are. generally round or oval, with rougli- ened summits, more frequently on the hands, rarely on the face. They appear especially ujjon children. There are several varieties of wart or verruca. The ordinary form, verruca vulgaris, ap- pears upon children between the ages of two and fourteen, remains a few years, and then disap- pears. Or they may last all through the patient's life. When a wart has been cut or burned, fre- quently small warts, called 'seed warts,' appear near by. Verruca senilis is a wart probably caused by the senile degeneration of the tissues of the skin, favored by irritation and want of clean- liness. These warts are generally placed upon the back, the arms, the face, neck, and trunk. They are rounded and irregular, dark in color, and of a greasy feel. Frequently they are the seat of troublesome itching. Venereal warts, or condylomata, occur as a result of the discharge of gonorrhoea (q.v. ) or as an evidence of syphilis (q.v. ). They are found upon the genitals or the mouth, between the toes, or beneath the breasts. Warts which are thread-like, usually ajipearing on the face or neck, are called verruca- filifonnes. Other varieties are of little importance. Treat- ment of warts consists of Imrning off with nitric acid, acetic acid, nitrate of silver, or the acid nitrate of mercury. Salicylic acid removes some, as also a strong alkali, frequently applied. Some may be snipped off with scissors close to their bases; but they frequently return. The electro- cautery has been used with success. Most warts are susceptible to mere suggestion, and any treat- ment is of avail ; hence the success of 'charms' to remove them. WARTBURG. A castle near Eisenach in Saxe-Weimar. Germany, situated on a hill 56.5 feet above the town. (See Eisenach.) It was b(>,gmi about 1070 and till the year 1247 it Wiis the residence of the Landgraves of Tliuringia, attaining its greatest splendor under Hermann I. ( 1190-1217). who was a noted patron of the arts. The castle is the occasional residence of the Grand-Duke of Saxe-Weimar. The restoration of the castle was begun in 1847 after designs by Kitzen. who reproduced with great faitlifulness (lie original plan of (be structure. The Hofburg, by means of mural paintings and antique fur- nishings, has been m;ule as near a duplicate as possible to what nuist have been its appearance at its prime in the twelfth century. The Vor- burg. in the same manner, has been refitted in (he >tyle of the early sixteenth century, when Luther passed nearly a year there (May 4, 1521. March 6, 1522), at work on his translation of the Bible. The Sangersaal in (he Hofburg is no(ed as the scene of the legendary Wartl)urg Krieg or S;in-