Page:The New View of Hell.djvu/152

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only in part, scarcely an individual in the world would believe it. The infernals are so cunning and artful, and likewise so wicked—in short they are of such a character, that they cannot possibly be resisted by any man, nor even by any angel, but by the Lord alone"—A.C. 6666. And speaking of those who have lived wicked lives on earth, and have interiorly denied the Divine, he says: "Such persons in the other life, when they come into the state of their interiors, and are heard to speak and seen to act, appear as if infatuated; for from their evil lusts they break out into all manner of abominations—into contempt of others, ridicule, blasphemy, hatred and revenge. They contrive plans of mischief, some of them with such cunning and malice, that it can scarcely be believed that anything of the kind could exist in any man." "They lay snares; they cherish hatred; they burn with revenge, and seek to vent their rage against all who do not submit themselves to them. . . . At last they deliberate with themselves how they may climb up into heaven so as to destroy that, or be worshiped there as gods. To such lengths does their madness go. Those of this class who have been of the Roman Catholic religion, are more insane than the rest." "[When on earth] they desired to be worshiped as gods, and therefore burned with hatred and revenge against all who did not acknowledge their power over the souls of men and over heaven. They still cherished the same disposition which distinguished them in the world,