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His Honour the Lieutenant Governor has thought proper
in the Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal, signed
communications made to those persons to whom they may

to direct, that all public communications, which may appear
with any Official Signature, are to be considered as Official



By His Honor Frederick Chidley Irwin Esquire, Captain in His Majesty's 63rd Regiment of Foot, Lieu-Governor Commander in Chief and Vice Admiral of the Colony of Western Australia and its Dependencies.

WHEREAS by an Act of the Lieutenant Governor, with the advice of the Legislative Council passed in the present year of His Majesty's Reign, intituled "An Act for establishing Standard Weights and Measures, and for preventing the use of such as are false and deficient." It is amongst other things enacted, that it shall and may be lawful for the Governor, or Officer administering the Government of the said Colony, for the time being by any Order or Orders, to be by him from time to time made, to appoint certain places, and persons in which and with whom respectively shall be deposited complete Sets of Standard Weights and Measures to be procured and authenticated in such manner as by any such Order shall be directed:—NOW I the Lieutenant Governor in pursuance of the Authority vested in me by the said Act, do appoint that a Model Set of Standard Weights and Measures shall be deposited with the Colonial Treasurer, and that Copy-sets of the same shall be deposited, at Perth, in the charge of G. E. Cameron, at the Commissariat Store, and at Fremantle in the charge of H. Vincent, at the Jail.


Given under my hand and seal at Perth this 19th day of April One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Three.


By His Honors Command

Colonial Secretary.


Surveyor General's Office
Perth, April 18th 1833.

His Honor the Lieutenant Governor directs the following Regulations relative to Town and Suburban Allotments within the Territory, to be published for general Information.

J. S. ROE,
Surveyor General.

Relative to Town and Suburban Allotments in Western Australia

1. Persons receiving Land or building Lots within the Settlement, are not at liberty to transfer the same to any other individual, until, by the fulfilment of the conditions on which such allotments were made, a full title shall have been acquired thereto; but a Grantee or his Assignees will at all times possess the right of selling or transferring his right of property in a lot, such transference being duly registered.

2. All Grants or Town Lots which shall be vacated by persons quiting the colony, will be resumed by Government.

3. Applications for town allotments will be received at the Surveyor General's Office, in a certain prescribed form, on any day except Sunday, between the hours of 10 and 3. or on Saturday's between the hours of 1O and 1.—when applicants will be permitted to inspect the ground plans of the towns, and will be furnished with every requisite information relative to lots open for selection. The civil Commissioners and Residents are also in possession of Plans and Registers of the allotments in their respective towns, and will furnish applicants with the form in which, they are to be applied for. Persons desirous to occupy more than one lot in any town, must state the grounds on which they rest their application.

4. The occupation by any person of a building allotment, or of any part of a town-site will not be considered authorised unless duly approved in writing by the Lieutenant Governor, or by His Honor through the Surveyor General.

5. All town lots thrown open for selection must be built upon in such time and according to such conditions as the Surveyor General may point out; and they will be liable for their portion of the expense which Government may incur in making or repairing the roads or lines of communication within the Town, and for the corner stakes which may be placed in the ground to mark their boundaries.

6. Allotments which it may be considered necessary to grant on particular conditions only, will be called "Special Lots," and be subject to such Regulations as may be conveyed to the grantee, in his license of occupation.

7. When the improvements prescribed in the license of occupation shall be effected on any Town or Suburban Allotment, the occupant will be entitled to obtain a regular Deed of Conveyance of the Allotment, to be held afterwards on the same terms as other lands in the Colony ;—subject also to such of the conditions in existence at the time of being permitted to occupy, as are in their nature incapable of completion at the date of the deed of grant.

8. Persons are not to cut timber, nor take stone, loam, clay or other materials from the site of any Town, except from their own Allotments;—nor be considered as having a right to any other land than the portion assigned to them.—Particular places will be set apart from time to time, whenever practicable, for the supply of building materials.

(to be continued)


Commissariat Office,
Perth, 20th April, 1833.

Sealed Tenders in Triplicate will be received at this Office until Monday, the 29th instant at 12 o'clock, from such person or persons who may be willing to enter into a Contract to perform the following Works.

To alter the position of Three of the Doors of the Perth Jail.

To put up a close Park Paling Seven feet high, the whole length of the Jail and to extent Twenty feet from each side, with a Privy in one corner; on one side of the park paling to have a strong Gate Four feet wide, with Padlock and Iron Bar.

To provide a good substantial Guard Table and Guard Bed; and to repair the flooring of the Guard Room.

To repair the Roof of the present Barrack, and to Whitewash the inside throughout, and to Plaister, and Whitewash the outside, and to build a Fire Place.—

For further particulars application to be made either to the Civil Engineer, or, Barrack Master, who will afford every information connected with the Work.

The shortest possible time to be specified in the Tender when the Work can be completed.

JOHN LEWIS, Dep. Asst. Com. Gen.


Sealed Tenders in Triplicate will be received at this Office, on Monday the 29th instant, at 12 o'clock, from such person or persons as may be willing to Contract to erect a Building near the Flats, 50 feet by 12. The Walls to be built of Clay, with Timber uprights and Battens; the Roof to be Thatch. The Chimneys to be built of Brick; Stable for Three Horses, with Shed, &c.—For particular Plan and Specification regarding the Building, application to be made to the Civil Engineer, who will afford every information connected with the Building. Persons Tendering to state the shortest possible time in which the Building can be completed.

JOHN LEWIS, Dep. Asst. Com. Geu

Omitted in the list of Magistrates, at King George's Sound.

J. Lyttleton, Esquire, and Lieutenant D. MacLeod 63d Regt.

A Notice of a Meeting of the Union Society at Fremantle, was handed to us a few days ago by Mr. J. Butler, the Secretary, which we regret has been mislaid. We believe the meeting was to take place early in the ensuing week.