Page:The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 (Volume 03).djvu/141

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quently added to the list; for on the MS. each one is checked off.]

Memorandum of what we need in this camp of his Majesty which is stationed and has its residence in the Western Islands, in addition to the requests made in the letters and memoranda which have been sent in the past. It is as follows:

Bellows: First of all we need four pairs of bellows—two pairs made of dressed leather, and the other two of rawhide. They should be sent wrapped in coarse frieze, and placed in their jars, so as not to be gnawed by worms.

Tubes: Four pairs of bellows-tubes large enough for the forges.

Axes: One hundred Viscayan iron axes for the carpenters.

Anvils: An anvil weighing about one quintal or six arrobas.

Pitch: Three hundred quintals of pitch.

Tar: A large quantity of tar.

Tallow: Tallow in quantity, as may be needed, to be sent in suitable skins or casks.

Nails: Item, nails one span in length, and for crosswise timbers. Item, spikes and clinch nails.

Sail-cloth: A quantity of sail-cloth.

Paper: A large bale of paper, for we have none.

Books: Twelve books of large paper, bound in parchment, for the accountant.

Twine and sail needles: Some sailmaker's twine and long sail-needles.

Saws: A dozen carpenters' hand-saws.

Steel: Some good steel, for the kind we have here is worthless.