Page:The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 (Volume 03).djvu/275

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religious has been given with good and holy zeal, it is, nevertheless, exceedingly harmful to the augmentation and settlement of this land, and the perpetuation of the Spanish rule therein. To the natives themselves it is pernicious; because, if they do not pay tribute to the Spaniards, the latter have to take from them their provisions and such things as they possess, in order to support themselves—as was done before the land was divided into repartimientos, and before the natives paid tribute. It is, therefore, most useful and profitable for the natives to pay tribute, by which the said Spaniards can be supported comfortably, and without vexation to them; and if the tribute is too small and the Spaniards can not be supported on it, it will come to the point of taking away their property on the sea, as was done before the land was divided into repartimientos, but does not happen now. On the contrary the natives are all very secure and quiet, and come and go to trade, and are altogether much profited and enriched by the repartimiento.

Guidio de Lavezaris.
Martin de Goiti.
Luis de la Haya.
Joan de la Ysla.
The licentiate Chacon.
Juan Maldonado.
Andres Cabchela.
Salvador de Aldave.
Amador de Arriaran.
Gabriel de Rribera.

In my presence, Fernando Riquel