Page:The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 (Volume 04).djvu/247

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He ordered all the above to be set down in writing, that it might stand in the records, and affixed thereto his signature.

Grabiel de Ribera
Miguel Godines

Before me:

Diego Lopez Carreno, notary of the fleet

On the coast of Mindanao, two leagues, more or less, from the said river, on the fourteenth day of the month of March, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine, the illustrious captain Grabiel de Ribera ordered that the following instructions be imparted to all those in charge of the warships taken by the said captain for the conquest and pacification of the said river and island of Mindanao, and that they should keep it in its entirety.

First, the fragata acting as flagship shall enter first, having on its right the other fragata under command of Sergeant Lope de Catalaraga, and on the left, the two vireys—in order that they may be at hand, if it is necessary that any message be despatched.

Immediately shall enter successively the two Bornean galleys, in charge of Tome de la Ysla and Juan Rodriguez de Norvega, so that, should it be necessary to fire their artillery, they may do it when the fragatas discharge theirs, for which I shall have the trumpet sounded.

The two virocos shall form a rear-guard, preceding the other viroco, which has a lack of men. All of them shall sail as closely together as possible, and those which sail faster shall await the others, so that we may all keep in order.