Page:The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 (Volume 04).djvu/270

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[Vol. 4

of this river, if he knows where Limasancay keeps his artillery, and that which he brought from Samboanga. He said that he does not know. This he deposed through the said interpreter before the said captain and in the presence of me, the said notary.

Grabiel de Ribera

Before me:

Diego Lopez Carreno, notary of the fleet

On this said day, month, and year aforesaid, the said captain summoned to his presence the Indian Laman, the companion of the said Sidurman. The same questions and articles put to the said Sidurman were asked of Laman through the interpreter. His answers were similar to those declared by the same Sidurman in his deposition. I, the present notary, attest the same.

Grabiel de Ribera

Before me:

Diego Lopez Carreno, notary of the fleet

In the river of Mindanao, on the twenty-seventh day of the month of March, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine, while the fleet was anchored at the village of Limasancay, petty king of the said river, the captain, considering that in the villages of Tapaca, Buayen, and Balete (the most important villages of the said river), and in many other villages of the river, he had endeavored to induce Limasancay and the other chiefs to come to make peace (as is contained in the reports, to which I refer), said that, in order that the natives of the said river might understand that his Grace would not return, or leave the said river until he left it pacified and tranquil,