Page:The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 (Volume 09).pdf/181

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In the city of Manila, on the third of August, in the year one thousand five hundred and ninety-five, Don Luis Perez Dasmarinas, knight of the order of Alcantara, governor and captain-general in this country, did graciously cause to appear Captain Diego Beloso and Gregorio de Vargas Machuca, residents in this city, who said that they, as ambassadors of the king of Canvoja, had come before his Lordship to examine the stipulations which he proposed as the effect and object of his embassy, and contingent upon the aid which they had come to seek—so that, having seen and copied them, a resolution might be reached.

Having been examined by his Lordship, he proposed to them that, in case the aid which they sought were accorded, the king of Canvoja must swear and promise to keep and comply with the stipulations, and that at no time shall he or his successors break them or violate them.


  1. In the first place the king of Canvoja, his wife and children, and his household must be baptized, and must receive the faith and gospel of Jesus Christ our very God and Lord; and he must allow it freely to be preached in his country and realm, and lend all his favor and help to it and to the building of churches, protecting and favoring the said fathers, and ministers.
  2. So soon as the Spaniards have arrived in his country he must give them for their accommodation a port, and a good site for settlement and fortification, which settlement and fortification he must aid to construct with his men, with all haste, and at his