Page:The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club.djvu/240

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" Oh don't ieave me — don't leave, Goodwin," murmured Mrs. Pott, clutching- at the wrists of the said Goodwin with an hysteric jerk. " You're the only person that's kind to me, Goodwin."

At this affecting- appeal, Goodwin got up a little domestic tragedy of her own, and shed tears copiously.

" Never, Ma'am — never," said Goodwin. " Oh, Sir, you should be careful — you should indeed ; you don't know what harm you may do Missis ; you'll be sorry for it one day, I know — I've always said so."

The unlucky Pott looked timidly on, but said nothing.

" Goodwin," said Mrs. Pott, in a soft voice.

" Ma'am," said Goodwin.

" If you only knew how I have loved that man "

" Don't distress yourself by recollecting it, Ma'am," said the body- guard.

Pott looked very frightened. It was time for a clencher.

" And now," sobbed Mrs. Pott — " now, after all, to be treated in this way ; to be reproached and insulted in the presence of a third party, and that party almost a stranger. But I will not submit to it, Good- win," continued Mrs. Pott, raising herself, in the arms of her attendant. " My brother, the Lieutenant, shall interfere. I'll be separated, Goodwin."

" It would certainly serve him right. Ma'am," said Goodwin.

Whatever thoughts the threat of a separation might have awakened in Mr. Pott's mind, he forbore to give utterance to them, and contented himself by saying, with g-reat humility, —

  • ' My dear, will you hear me?"

A fresh train of sobs was the only reply, as Mrs, Pott grew more hysterical, requested to be informed why she was ever born, and required sundry other pieces of information of a similar description.

" My dear," remonstrated Mr. Pott, " do not give way to these sen- sitive feelings. I never believed that the paragraph had any founda- tion, my dear — impossible. I was only angry, my dear — I may say outrageous — with the Independent people for daring to insert it ; that's all :" and Mr. Pott cast an imploring look at the innocent cause of the mischief, as if to entreat him to say nothing about the serpent.

" And what steps. Sir, do you mean to take to obtain redress ? " inquired Mr. Winkle, gaining courage as he saw Pott losing it.

" Oh, Goodwin," observed Mrs. Pott, "does he mean to horsewhip the editor of the Independent — does he, Goodwin?"

" Hush, hush, Ma'am ; pray keep yourself quiet," replied the body- guard. " I dare say he will, if you wish it. Ma'am."

" Certainly," said Pott, as his wife evinced decided symptoms of going off again — " of course I shall."

"When, Goodwin — when?" said Mrs. Pott, still undecided about the going off.

" Immediately, of course," said Mr. Pott ; " before the day is out."

" Oh, Goodwin," resumed Mrs. Pott, " it's the only way of meeting the slander, and setting me rig^ht with the world."