Page:The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club.djvu/360

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and stimulated therein, by the precept and example of Mr. Samuel WeUer, who had managed to become mighty popular already, and was as much at home as if he had been born on the land.

A wedding is a licensed subject to joke upon, but there really is no great joke in the matter after all ; we speak merely of the ceremony, and beg it to be distinctly understood that we indulge in no hidden sarcasm upon a married life. Mixed up with the pleasure and joy ot the occasion, are the many regrets at quitting home, the tears of parting between parent and child, the consciousness of leaving the dearest and kindest friends of the happiest portion of human life, to encounter its cares and troubles with others still untried, and little known — natural feelings which we would not render this chapter mournful by describing, and which we should be still more unwilling to be supposed to ridicule.

Let us briefly say, then, that the ceremony was performed by the old clergyman, in the parish Church of Dingley Dell, and that Mr. Pickwick's name is attached to the register, still preserved in the vestry thereof ; that the young lady with the black eyes signed her name in a very un- steady and tremulous manner ; and that Emily's signature, as the other bridesmaid, is nearly illegible ; that it all went off in very admirable style ; that the young ladies generally, thought it far less shocking than they expected ; and that although the owner of the black eyes and the arch smile informed Mr. Winkle that she was sure she could never submit to anything so dreadful, we have the very best reasons for thinking she was mistaken. To all this, we may add, that Mr. Pickwick was the first who saluted the bride : and that in so doing, he threw over her neck, a rich gold watch and chain, which no mortal eyes but, the jeweller's had ever beheld before. Then the old church bell rang as gaily as it could, and they all returned to breakfast.

" Vere does the mince-pies go, young opium eater?" said Mr. Weller to the fat boy, as he assisted in laying out such articles of consumption as had not been duly arranged on the previous night.

The fat boy pointed to the destination of the pies.

« Wery good," said Sam, " stick a bit o' Christmas in 'em. T'other dish opposite. There ; now ve look compact and comfortable, as the father said ven he cut his little boy's head off, to cure him o' squintin ."

As Mr. Weller made the comparison, he fell back a step or two, to give full effect to it, and surveyed the preparations with the utmost satisfaction.

" Wardle," said Mr. Piekwick, almost as soon as they were all seated, " a glass of wine, in honour of this happy occasion ! "

" I shall be delighted, my boy," said Wardle. " Joe — damn that boy, he's gone to sleep."

" No, I ain't, Sir," replied the fat boy, starting up from a remote corner, where, like the patron saint of fat boys — the immortal Horner — be had been devouring a Christmas pie, though not with the coolness and deliberation which characterised that young gentleman's proceedings.

" Fill Mr. Pickwick's glass."

" Yes, Sir."

The fat boy filled Mr. Pickwick's glass, and then retired behind his