Page:The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club.djvu/500

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he should be obliged to crack him in the parlour door." At the end of this address, which was unusually leno:thy for him, Mr. Weller planted his hands on his knees, and looked full in Mr. Winkle's face, with an expression of countenance which showed that he had not the remotest intention of being trifled with.

" You're a amiably-disposed young man, Sir, I don't think," resumed Mr. Weller, in a tone of moral reproof^ " to go inwolving our precious governor in all sorts o' fanteegs, ven he's made up his mind to go through ev'ry think for principle. You're far worse nor Dodson, Sir ; and as for Fogg, I consider him a born angel to you ! " Mr. Weller having accompanied this last sentiment with an emphatic slap on each knee, folded his arms with a look of great disgust, and threw himself back in his chair, as if awaiting the criminal's defence.

  • ' My good fellow," said Mr. Winkle, extending his hand — his teeth

chattering all the time he spoke, for he had been standing during the whole of Mr. Weller's lecture in his night-gear, My good fellow, I respect your attachment to my excellent friend, and I am very sorrj indeed, to have added to his causes for disquiet. There, Sam, there I "

  • ' Well," said Sam, rather sulkily, but giving the proffered hand a

respectful shake at the same time — " Well, so you ought to be, and I am very glad to Bnd you air ; for, if I can help it, I won't have him put upon by nobody, and that's all about it."

  • ' Certainly not, Sam," said Mr. Winkle. " There, now go to bed,

Sam, and we'll talk further about this, in the morning."

  • ' I'm wery sorry," said Sam, *'but I can't goto bed."

" Not go to bed !" repeated Mr. Winkle.

" No," said Sam, shaking his head, " Can't be done."

" You don't mean to say you're going back to-night, Sam ? " urged Mr. Winkle, greatly surprised.

" Not unless you particklerly vish it," replied Sam ; " but I mustn't leave this here room. The governor's orders wos peremptory."

  • ' Nonsense, Sara," said Mr. Winkle, " I must stop here two or three

days ; and more than that, Sam, you must stop here too, to assist me in gaining an interview with a young lady — Miss Allen, Sam ; you remember her — whom I must and will see before I leave Bristol."

But in reply to each of these positions, Sam shook his head with great firmness, and energetically replied, '^ It can't be done."

After a great deal of argument and representation on the part of Mr. Winkle, however, and a full disclosure of what had passed in the inter- view with Dowler, Sam began to waver ; and at length a compromise was effected, of which the following were the main and principal con- ditions : —

That Sam should retire, and leave Mr. Winkle in the undisturbed possession of his apartment, on condition that he had permission to lock the door on the outside, and carry off the key ; provided always, that in the event of an alarm of fire, or other dangerous contingency, the door should be instantly unlocked. That a letter should be written to Mr. Pickwick early next morning, and forwarded per Dowler, requesting his consent to Sam and Mr. Winkle's remaining at Bristol, for the purpose