Page:The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club.djvu/509

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Wery nice things, if they're managed properly, Sir," replied Mr. Weller ; "but when you don't want to be seen, I think they're rayther more useful arter the candle 's gone out, than ven it 's alight."

Mr. Pickwick appeared struck by Sam's remark, for he put the lan- tern into his pocket again, and they walked on in silence.

" Down here. Sir," said Sam. "Let me lead the vay. This is the lane. Sir."

Down the lane they went, and dark enough it was. Mr. Pickwick brought out the lantern once or twice as they groped their way along, and threw a very brilliant little tunnel of light before them, about a foot in diameter. It was very pretty to look at, but seemed to have the effect of rendering surrounding objects rather darker than before.

At length they arrived at the large stone, and here Sam recom- mended his master and Mr. ^Vinkle to seat themselves, while he reconnoitred, and ascertained whether Mary was yet in waiting.

After an absence of five or ten minutes, Sam returned, to say that the gate was opened, and all quiet. Following him with stealthy tread, Mr. Pickwick and Mr. Winkle soon found themselves in the garden. Here everybody said, " Hush ! " a good many times ; and that being done, no one seemed to have any very distinct apprehension of what was to be done next.

" Is JNIiss Allen in the garden yet, Mary ? " inquired Mr. Winkle, much agitated.

" I don't know, Sir," replied the pretty housemaid. " The best thing to be done. Sir, will be for Mr. Weller to give you a hoist up into the tree, and perhaps Mr. Pickwick will have the goodness to see that nobody comes up the lane, while I watch at the other end of the garden. Goodness gracious, what's that? "

" That 'ere blessed lantern 'uU be the death on us all," exclaimed Sam, peevishly. " Take care wot you're a doin' on, Sir, you're a sendin' a blaze o' light, right into the back parlor vinder."

" Dear me ! " said Mr. Pickwick, turning hastily aside, " I didn't mean to do that."

" Now it's in the next house. Sir," remonstrated Sam.

" Bless my heart ! " exclaimed Mr. Pickwick, turning round again.

" Now it's in the stable, and they'll think the place is a' fire," said Sara. " Shut it up, Sir, can't you ?"

" It's the most extraordinary lantern I ever met with, in all my life ! " exclaimed Mr. Pickwick, greatly bewildered by the effects he had so unintentionally produced. " I never saw such a powerful reflector."

" It '11 be vun too powerful for us, if you keep blazin' avay in that manner, Sir," replied Sam, as Mr. Pickwick, after various unsuccessful efforts, managed to close the slide. " There's the young lady's foot- steps. Now, Mr. Vinkle, Sir, up vith you."

" Stop, stop ! " said Mr. Pickwick, " I must speak to her first. Help me up, Sam."

" Gently, Sir," said Sam, planting his head against the wall, and making a platform of his back. " Step a top o' that 'ere fiower-pot, Sir. Now then, up vith you."

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