Page:The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club.djvu/594

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  • ' What place is this ? " inquired Mrs. Bardell, pausing.
  • ' Only one of our public offices/' replied Jackson, hurrying her through

a door, and looking round to see that the other women were following. "Look sharp, Isaac."

" Safe and sound," replied the man with the ash stick. The door swung heavily after them, and they descended a small flight of steps.

"Here we are at last. All right and tight, Mrs. Bardell !" said Jackson, looking exultingly round.

'* What do you mean ?" said Mrs. Bardell, with a palpitating heart.

Just this," replied Jackson, drawing her a little on one side ; "don't be frightened, Mrs. Bardell. There never was a more delicate man than Dodson, ma'am, or a more humane one than Fogg. It was their duty in the way of business to take you in execution for them costs ; but they were anxious to spare your feelings as much as they could. What a comfort it must be to you to think how it *s been done ! This is the Fleet, ma'am. Wish you good night, Mrs. Bardell. Good night,"

As Jackson hurried away in company with the man with the ash stick, another man, with a key in his hand, who had been looking on, led the bewildered female to a second short flight of steps, leading to a doorway. Mrs. Bardell screamed violently ; Tommy roared ; INIrs. Cluppins shrunk within herself; and Mrs. Sanders made ofl^, without more ado. For there stood the injured Mr. Pickwick, taking his nightly allowance of air; and beside him leant Samuel Weller, who, seeing MrSc Bardell, took his hat oflf with mock reverence, while his master turned indignantly on his heel.

" Don't bother the woman," said the turnkey to Weller; she's just come in."

" A pris'ner!" said Sam, quickly replacing his hat. " Who's the plaintives ? What for r Speak up, old feller."

  • ' Dodson and Fogg," replied the man; "execution on cognovit for costs."

" Here Job, Job," shouted Sam, dashing into the passage, " run to Mr. Perker's, Job; / want him directly. I see some good in this. Here's a game. Hooray ! Vere's the gov'nor }"

But there was no reply to these inquiries, for Job had started furiously oflf, the instant he received his commission, and Mrs. Bardell had fainted in real downright earnest.