Page:The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club.djvu/681

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  • ' How?" asked INIr. Pickwick anxiously. In what way ?"

" Really," replied Wardle, " you're such a fiery sort of young fellow that I am almost afraid to tell you ; but, however, if Perker will sit between us to prevent mischief, I'll venture."

Having closed the room-door, and fortified himself with another application to Perker's snuflf-box, the old gentleman proceeded with his great disclosure in these words.

The fact is, that my daughter Bella — Bella, that married young Trundle, you know."

•' Yes, yes, we know," said Mr. Pickwick impatiently.

" Don't alarm me at the very beginning. My daughter Bella, Emily having gone to bed with a headach after she had read Arabella's letter to me, set herself down by my side the other evening, and began to talk over this marriage affair. ' Well pa,' she says, ' what do you think of it ? ' * Why, my dear,' I said, ' I suppose it's all very well ; I hope it's for the best.' I answered in this way because I was sitting before the fire at the time, drinking my grog rather thoughtfully, and I knew my throwing in an undecided word now and then, would induce her to continue talking. Both my girls are pictures of their dear mother, and as I grow old I like to sit with only them by me ; for their voices and looks carry me back to the happiest period of my life, and make me for the moment as young as I used to be then, though not quite so light-hearted. ' It's quite a marriage of affection, pa/ said Bella, after a short silence. ' Yes, my dear,' said I, ' but such marriages do not always turn out the happiest.' "

" I question that, mind," interposed Mr. Pickwick warmly.

"Very good," responded Wardle, ^question anything you like when it's your turn to speak, but don't interrupt me."

"I beg your pardon," said Mr. Pickwick.

" Granted," replied Wardle. " ' I am sorry to hear you express your opinion against marriages of affection, pa,' said Bella, colouring a little. ' I was wrong ; I ought not to have said so, my dear, either,* eaid I, patting her cheek as kindly as a rough old fellow like me could pat it, * for your mother's was one, and so was yours.' ' It's not that I meant, pa,' said Bella. ' The fact is, pa, I wanted to speak to you about Emily.' "

Mr. Pickwick started.

" What's the matter now.'*" enquired Wardle, stopping in his narrative.

" Nothing," replied Mr. Pickwick. *' Pray go on."

" I never could spin out a story," said Wardle abruptly. ** It must come out sooner or later, and it'll save us all a great deal of time if it comes at once. The long and the short of it is, then, that Bella at last mustered up courage to tell me that Emily was very unhappy; that she and your young friend Snodgrass lind been in constant correspon- dence and communication ever since last Christmas ; that she had very dutifully made up her mind to run away with him, in laudable imitation of her old friend and schoolfellow; but that having some compunctions of conscience on the subject, inasmuch as I had always been rather kindly disposed to both of them, they had thought it better in the first