Page:The Present State of Peru.djvu/222

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lation of Lima, it will be seen that the hospital, in 1790, supplied an asylum to twenty-nine poor.

The asylum for repentant females was founded in 1669, under the viceroyalty of the count of Lemos, by father Francisco Del Castillo, who became the confessor. It was not an institution subject to canonical regulations, but a voluntary retreat for poor, repentant, and abandoned females, the design of which was in opposition to solemn vows. It afforded the advantages of a monastic state to those whose situation and poverty would neither allow them to remain in society without a risk of their honour and salvation, nor to obtain the dowry requisite to take the veil. A code of suitable constitutions having been drawn up, the dress which was to be worn by these females, who were denominated the protegees (amparadas) of la Concepcion, was made to agree with the particular nature of their vocation; and this was expressed by a silver medal hanging from the neck. Their occupations, and the mode of life they were to lead, were pointed out; and they were subjected to the immediate government of a canoness, whom they were themselves to elect. These dispositions having been made, the public entry into the house which had been provided for them, took place in the month of March 1670, with all the solemnity and manifestations of joy customary on such pious occasions. The ceremonies lasted for three days, the viceroy, his lady, the tribunals, the nobility, clergy, &c. accompanying the processions. On this occasion, which will
