Page:The Present State of Peru.djvu/426

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be the fruitful origin of its supreme felicity, so long as you, gentlemen, and all the other noble citizens, may please to make an honourable muster of active and laborious individuals, composing the illustrious Economical Society of the Friends of the Country. Can it be doubted, but that you, and the other sages and nobles of Quito, possessing a well known intelligence and activity, may succeed in obtaining a knowledge of the political maladies which have laid this kingdom prostrate; in investigating the causes whence they have originated; and in finding, by the dint of observation and study, the most effectual means of re-establishment? Can it perchance be doubted, but that each of you, gentlemen, through the impulse of his patriotism, will be very ready to sacrifice a part of his property, by hazarding some such proofs as may verify, at a small expence, the solidity of these reflections?

“For my part, I offer to contribute all the resources of money and books which depend on me. The economical societies of our Old Spain (and truly they are and have been a fertile mine of felicity) have without exception been supported, and are augmented daily, by the constant application of the learned nobility, and by the royal protection of our august sovereign, and that of his enlightened ministry. Both causes, or sources, exist in Quito. If we look to the royal protection, it is secured to us by the warranty and engagement of our illustrious president, as well as by the supplications he promises to direct to the throne; and with respect to the learned and patriotic nobility, can it be doubted, but that, in ingenuity, and activity of mind, the nobles of Quito are on a par with those of the other provinces?

“The sole causes which can impede the progress of our
