Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/125

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1%ECOP, DS OF THE FEDERAL CONSrENTION I2I Thursday MADISON ]?Iy 26 instituted- to consist of a single person- to be chosen by the Natl. legislature- for the term of seven years--to be ineligible a 2d. time--with power to carry into execution the natl. laws- to appoint to offices in cases not otherwise provided for m to be removeable on impeachment & convic- tion of real-practice or neglect of duty- to receive a fixt compensation for the devotion of his time to the public service, to be paid out of the Natl. Treasury"--it passed in the affirmative 3) N.H. ay. Mas. not on floor. Ct. ay. N.J. ay. Pa. no. Del. no. Md. no. Va. divd. Mr. B. (Blair) & Col. M. (Mason) ay. Genl. W. (Washington) & Mr M--(Madison) no. Mr. Ran- dolph happened to be out of the House. N- C- ay. S.C. ay. Geo. ay. [Ayes -- 6; noes -- 3; divided -- I; absent m I.] Mr Mason moved "that the Committee of detail be instructed to receive a clause requiring certain qualifications of landed property & citizenship (of the U. States) in members of the Legislature, ? and disqualifying persons having unsettled Accts. with or being indebted to the U.S. (from being members of the Natl. Legislature ") 5 -- He observed that persons of the latter descriptions had frequently got into the State Legis- latures? in order to promote laws that might shelter their delinquencies; and that this evil had crept into Congs. if Report was to be regarded. Mr Pinckney seconded the motion Mr Govr. Morris. If qualifications are proper? he wd. pre- fer them in the electors rather than the elected. As to debtors of the U.S. they are but few. As to persons having unsettled accounts he believed them to be pretty many. He thought however that such a discrimination would be both odious & useless. and in many instances unjust & cruel. The delay of settlerot. had been more the fault of the public than of the individuals. What will be done with those patriotic Citizens who have lent money, or services or property to their Country, without having been yet able to obtain a liquidation of their claims ? Are they to be excluded ? For further discussion of this subject, see references under September 6, note Crossed out: "Executive & Judiciary'". * Revised from Journal.