Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/212

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?O6 I?ECOKDS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION Tuesday KING .dugust 7 On the question for striking out as moved by Mr. Govr. Morris, from the word "qualifications" to the end of the III article N.H. no. Mas. no. Ct. no. Pa. no. Del. ay. Md. dlvd. Va. no. N. C. no. S.C. no. Geo. not prest. [Ayes- I; noes 7; divided- ?; absent- ?.] Adj ou rned ?8 KING Tuesday 7. Augt 87 3A--a. in all cases have a negative &c--proposed to be altered so that the negative extend only to those legislative acts in the passage whereof each Br. has concurrent authority-- It was remarked by Madison yt. the whole clause "each of which shall in all cases have a negative on the other." might be struck out, and the Legislature wd. be well organised- This motion was agreed to, & the words stricken out. --B. Madison proposed omitting in the Constitution the Time when the Legislature shd. meet- G. Morris in favor of leaving the Time of meeting to the Legislature- He re- marked yt. if the Time was fixed in the Constitution, when the Legisl. shd. meet, it wd. be broken for yy wd. not meet at the Time fixed- Gorham- in favor of meeting once a year and fixing the period--he was for meeting to superintend the conduct of the executive- Mason -- In favor of an annual meeting -- They are not only Legislators but they possess inquisitorial powers. They must meet frequently to inspect the Conduct of the public offices -- 4. Art.- S. x- c. The clause of Qualifications of Electors -- G. Morris proposed to strike out the Clause-- and to leave See further Appendix A, LXXX.