Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/235

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RECORDS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION 229 Thursday JOURNAL .4uguat 9 article by inserting the word "of" after the word "citizen" and the words "an inhabitant" instead of the words "a resi- dent" which passed in the affirmative On the question to agree to the 3rd section of the 5 article as amended it passed in the affirmative On the question to agree to the 4th section of the 5. article as reported it passed in the affirmative It was moved and seconded to strike out the words "each House" and to insert the words "the House of representa- tives" in the xst section of the 6th article which passed in the negative [Ayes -- I; noes -- xo.] It was moved and seconded to insert the word "respectively" after the word "State" in the xst section of the 6. article which passed in the affirmative It was moved and seconded to alter the second clause in the first section of the 6th article so as to read as follows namely "but regulations in each of the foregoing cases may, at "any time, be made or altered by the Legislature of the United "States" which passed in the affirmative On the question to agree to the ][st section of the 6th article as amended it passed in the affirmative. And then the House adjourned till to-morrow at x x o'Clock A.M.